Instagram | @chrissyteigen

Chrissy Teigen Ranted About Making School Lunches And Parents Everywhere Can Relate

When it comes to packing lunches, I can hardly pack my own on a daily basis— I can't imagine having to pack my lunch, and a little human's lunch, too!

If you've ever browsed a school lunch Pinterest board, you'll know damn well how intricate and elaborate some lunch box ideas can be.

Instagram | @weelicious

That's just the dilemma Chrissy Teigen is dealing with when it comes to packing her daughter Luna's lunch.

She took to Twitter to air her grievances last night.

Twitter | @chrissyteigen

Chrissy was like ????? to all the elaborate lunch ideas and tbh, same.

Chrissy expressed confusion at wacky lunch inspo's like blueberry pasta salad, knowing her daughter would never eat stuff like that if she wasn't there to bribe her.

She then told her followers she had just bought 2000 KETCHUP PACKETS for Luna's lunches.

Parents flooded Chrissy's page expressing similar issues with their own kid's lunches.

"My kid is 10 and pretty much still exists on Kraft mac’n’cheese with the occasional piece of fruit," wrote one mom.

Instagram | @chrissyteigen

"Our son used to be much less picky when he was a toddler, but once he got to school and saw all the cookies and chips other kids had, it was a wrap,' wrote another.

It's so awesome to see so many parents relating to Chrissy's lunch issue.

Y'all are in this together, and I'm here for it!

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