16 Crazy Things That Didn't Let Us Look Away

When we see something that melts a little piece of our soul, we often can't look away. But some things are so aggressively strange that they'd probably grab our heads and growl, "Look at me" like the Joker if we did try to look away.

I know that's not making these wild pics sound very fun, but they are. They're just in-your-face about it.

1. If there's one thing the kids want to play with, it's a whale that somehow looks less friendly than the one that swallowed Pinocchio.

Reddit | obolikus

It may have been called Monstro, but but the real monster is whoever made this one's eyes.

2. I can't tell if this kid's about to sell me a pumpkin or ask if I can help find their missing feet.

Reddit | BiclopsVEVO

Are they covered by the pants? Are they buried in the ground? Who knows?

3. Sometimes, it's the most normal-looking things that inspire the hardest questions.

Reddit | totalinfonet

Why is this guy leaning a loose door against himself? And if he's goofing off, why does he look so serious about it?

4. The sandwich may not look like much, but meat apparently has to make an appointment to get into it.

Instagram | @streetcatto

"Congratulations, summer sausage! The pastrami canceled, so you've just been bumped up a space."

5. I can't say it's hard to figure out why this uniform's here instead of at the station.

Reddit | BaunerMcPounder

Not only does it make it hard to tell people to get on the ground, but it's even harder to figure out who you're ordering around.

6. Some eccentric millionaire must've commissioned this. It's the only explanation that makes sense. 

Reddit | UnselfishGreenberg

I'll likely never know why, but I'm pretty sure their personal chef knows to only make them steamed hams.

7. Take a good look, folks. It's not often that something walks the line between adorable and disturbing so elegantly.

Reddit | jordanpetersisgenius

It would've been better if the stools were little cheese wheels like I thought, but we can't have everything.

8. Oh, sure. When a guy in a suit does this, it's mysterious and interesting.

Instagram | @streetcatto

When I do it, I'm a "health and safety risk" and have to "leave this establishment."

9. Did...did somebody do this just so they can watch the doll parts get crushed?

Reddit | ImThatCreep

If so, then I was apparently creeped out by the wrong part of this all along. Goody.

10. Haha, this is obviously a funny bit where they pretended to mix up an iron with a curling iron. 

reddit | hhaarroouutt

That's why the little brother's...looking away and cringing. Oh, dear. This is going to end badly.

11. This traffic cone is supposed to keep cars away, and I really can't say it's not taking its job seriously.

Reddit | Adskii

It's gonna march this driver right back to that construction zone and make them apologize.

12. I don't understand what's going on either, but I love that somebody thinks that one little chain is gonna hold this in place.

Reddit | TheRealLTGaming

I guess I can't make fun too hard since it hasn't toppled yet, but come on.

13. Uh...I guess watching a Power Ranger struggle on the toilet is supposed to make your own rough bathroom breaks seem better by comparison?

Reddit | Topical_Aphorism

Wait, why is it framed by a window? Are...are we watching each other? Well, now I'm uncomfortable.

14. I wasn't sure if this was awesome or gross until I saw the little paws. 

Reddit | Samwiseii

Congratulations, cat mustache guy. The arbiter of taste who can control how you live your life (that's me!) has given you a pass.

15. I'm not reading smugness from this rock so much as a lack of sunglasses, but what do I know?

Instagram | @kalesalad

At least now if people roll their eyes when the sun gets in mine, I'll know what's happening.

16. A lot of these things caught our eye so much that we couldn't look away, but this one demanded attention for...other reasons.

Reddit | Lacrose

Between the loud sound of metal scraping and the sudden loss of control, the sideways wheel is actually the subtle part.

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