Dr. Pimple Popper Squeezed Out A Ton Of Lipomas That Covered A Man's Arm

Well, you clicked on this article, so you know what's in store.

There's going to be some pimple popping here folks, and remember unless you're for some reason into this stuff, it's going to be gross.

Good ol' Dr. Pimple Popper.


For years now, she's been satisfying the strange needs of a select group of people.

Hey, I'm not judging, we all have weird things that tickle certain receptors in our brains.

Some people just happen to be tickled by pimple popping.


Puss being squeezed between pincers, leaking out like thick yellow porridge from open sores on a person's body.

For some reason, that makes people feel calm or something. I have no idea.

Anyways, here we are again.


In the video we're about to show you, our resident pimple popping doctor is going to be taking things called Lipomas out of some dude's arm.

It's... well, it's what you'd expect honestly.

Here's the video.

And go ahead, get your satisfaction Mick Jagger. If this is the thing to do it for you, then go right ahead.

We may never understand it, but we can accept it.