14 Weird Pics That'll Bake Your Noodle Big Time

I don't think I can go a single day on the internet without seeing something that makes my eyes go crossed in confusion. Sometimes, though, it really takes a second to appreciate what the hell I'm looking at before I get it. Honestly, with how weird the world is these days, I'm pretty much willing to believe anything could be real. So who knows — is this the weirdest stuff out there, or is it just Friday?

1. You know what's weirder than running across this on your Instagram? 

Instagram | @mallofmeme

Imagine being in the amusement park while it's going down. I don't know if my first thought would be "Oh hey, a wild unicorn." It'd probably be more like "Oh hey, let's call security."

2. Speaking of security, I feel like nothing will ever feel safe again after seeing this.

Reddit | earthmoonsun

I mean, how can I sleep at night knowing that somewhere out there, 44 souls are trying to scream their way out of a snowy windshield?

3. What a lucky coincidence that this is the dude in the Mario costume. Or is it...

Reddit | nathan_thegamer

Plot twist: Beneath this second Mario mask is his real face. It's another, smaller Mario head. Beneath the costume? A tiny body in a smaller Mario costume. He's three children in a trench coat.

4. Unless these nails are perfectly posed like this, I don't know how I'd ever figure out it's Mario.

Reddit | thebayallday

Can you imagine watching her type? It'd be like the Super Mario 64 loading screen (aka nightmares for life).

5. A very simple way to keep track of your kid, I guess. 

Reddit | earthmoonsun

Except...that woman in the top left has the same vertical striped shirt...oh, snap. Soap opera drama incoming!

6. I guess sometimes the only way to scare off a bird is to throw a baby at it?

Reddit | Dood71

Either that, or the bird is hauling in to snag itself a baby-shaped snack.

7. Doggo sleeps in the most convenient spot for super easy labeling.

Reddit | themattsquared

Honestly, I'd do the exact same thing, but I don't have "narcissist" stenciled on my windows. Not yet, anyway.

Although when it comes to shadows, it doesn't take much to blow a dog's mind.

If I could just chill with my shadow all day, I'd finally have a friend.

8. Great. I finally move into a nice neighborhood and a week later, the giant insects invade.

Reddit | AhoffNYC

Or, I start sleeping in my car in a nice neighborhood and there's a grasshopper on my windshield.

9. Somehow I doubt that these dudes are in flavor country right now.

Instagram | @wonderful.world.pic

The moral of the story here, of course, is "Wash your food before you eat it, not while you eat it."

10. Well, here we have a tie for "weirdest thing in this picture."

Reddit | Le_Fonque

Is it the fact that this cord works even with 99% of it shredded to pieces, or is it that she can play rock-paper-scissors with three players at once?

11. And here I was worried about a robot apocalypse.

Reddit | crabapples

Turns out the machines were trying to warn us about the true enemy plotting against us all along — why do you think autocorrect always has you saying "ducking" in texts?

12. Weird choices, dude. Weird choices.

Instagram | @bastardonthebeat

The nipple "X," the cross-out of the old tattoo with the new one underneath, I just don't get it. That's probably a good thing — if I did get it, I'd be worried.

13. So, your natural habitat is a shag rug, but you're a potato with fake lashes.

Instagram | @wifize

I feel like your actual natural habitat is either underground or a Sephora, right?

14. I guess sometimes you just want the feel of overalls without all that denim.

Twitter | @ballsofcthulhu

Or, hear me out: You're super weird and just want your thong over your shoulders for a minute.

I can't see a way that wasn't painful, considering how extreme that wedgie was.

But to be fair, it's definitely not the worst wedgie I've seen on the internet.You're welcome. Probably.

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