16 Creative People Determined To Have Some Fun With The World

If there's anything that makes the world a better place, it's kindness. And if there's any other thing that makes the world a better place, it's a sense of fun.

I always have to marvel at how people will embrace their goofy sides, marry it with their creativity, and make everything a bit more fun. They're spreading smiles around the globe, and we have to thank them for it. What's life without fun?

1. I have never been brave enough to try something as unorthodox as using slices of pizza as sandwich bread.

Reddit | LexiMarthaStewart

But it looks like I have a new plan for lunch on Sunday.

2. I love the designer who decided to add in a Godzilla scale to this bridge. You know, just in case.

Reddit | notneededjunk

Good news, guys, we're safe. The bridge is too tall for Godzilla.

3. Finally, someone at the PTA has a sense of humor about fundraising.

Reddit | Charlie_Olliver

Even they must know how tiring it is to sell chocolates and magazine subscriptions and all that nonsense. They finally just cut through the baloney and got refreshingly honest.

4. Okay, this is an absolute stroke of genius: a grocery store selling overripe bananas packaged in bags with recipes for banana bread printed on them.

Reddit | WholesomeSwissCheese

Reduces waste, raises their potential to sell more baking supplies, plus you end up with banana bread!

5. It feels like a bold move for any clothing company to sew a message like "Be careful, you've only got one" into a zipper's lining.

Reddit | rofLopolous

But that bold move definitely paid off.

6. Some extremely patient cafeteria worker carved a spherical watermelon into a pretty rockin' Death Star for May the 4th.

Reddit | jutwinsfan

We have to assume that the cantaloupe and honeydew represent Alderaan.

7. Well, if you can't tip with a big bill, at least tip with a fun bill, right?

Reddit | Endless_Vanity

It must have taken some skill and patience to fold a dollar bill into a collared shirt.

8. Why doesn't every multi-level shopping mall have a slide to get from one floor to another?

Reddit | Nires

I blame the insurance companies. You just know somebody would get stuck in it and sue the mall, ruining it for the rest of us.

9. This guy has his priorities figured out — he's rigged up a harness to take his cat out photographing with him.

Reddit | ynsekt

You have to love when buddies are so determined to stick together!

10. This kitty has his own safety vest thanks to his owner, who loves to take him out on roadside assistance calls.

Reddit | murphythesmurphy

Probably not much help on the technical side of things, but a huge value for morale.

11. After this road collapsed, the orange cones came out as you'd expect, but some fun person added a nice tweak: a "Get Well Soon" balloon.

Reddit | knivesandshoes

It's as adorable as it is amusing.

12. Yet another way Japan is ahead of the game: making their construction barriers Hello Kitty-themed.

Reddit | 888andtheHeartbreaks

Mind you, for all I know, everything in Japan could come in a Hello Kitty variety. Still, beats blank concrete medians for fun factor!

13. Some cars have buttons on their panels that aren't hooked up to anything — this car's owner gave them a Bond-inspired flourish.

Reddit | keensta94

Ah, if only they were real. Still, totally worth the effort.

14. I want to high five the person who came up with the idea for Vanny DeVito.

Reddit | MrJbrads

Now, somebody needs to make an Arnold Schwarzenhummer to make it a perfect set of twins.

15. What better complement for a yellow Ferrari than a Pikachu license plate?

Reddit | buffywan

Mind you, I'm not sure I would want to tempt the cops to try to catch 'em all, you know?

16. For all you folks who want to make your ride a bit more fabulous, somebody invented tire glitter.

Reddit | mycatdaphne21

It might take some getting used to, but I'd rather see this on cars than have them rolling coal.