The 'It Chapter 2' Easter Eggs And References Fans Definitely Missed

Well folks, we're going to be talking about It 2 today.

What too? You didn't even say the first thing!

Alright, that's quite enough of that joke. Heard it enough times with the first chapter.

Alright, so let's talk some 'It 2' Easter Eggs today.


There may be some spoilers in these here parts, so go see the movie and then come back to read this article.

The first thing we look for in these movies is the Stephen King cameo.

Like Stan Lee before him, King is starting to make cameos in the movies based on his work.


And It 2 is no exception.

At the beginning of the film (or at least near the beginning), an adult Bill goes to buy his old bike silver from a shop.

Guess who the owner is? If you guessed King, you're right.

And what about the ending?


Not of the movie.

There's a point where Bill is talking to Stephen King and Bill offers to sign a copy of his book for King. King refuses and says "I didn't like the ending".

References to 'The Thing'.


When they return to the dreaded house to confront Pennywise once again, they are faced with Stan's decapitated head, which spreads legs and attacks them.

Sound familiar? It's because it's from The Thing.