
Ryan Reynolds Gave Advice To Mom Who Wanted To Show 'Deadpool' To 4-Year-Old

We all know him, and we all love him.

Ryan Reynolds is our Deadpool, and we wouldn't want to have anyone else play the part. He delivers every joke and every emotion with precision and grace.

Can you tell I love these movies?

Ryan Reynolds getting cast as Deadpool was the win the world needed.

He's done two standalone films, and one shorter role in a Wolverine film as the character.

He's still sharing behind the scenes videos from his time as the hero!

And we beg of him to never stop doing that, since it brightens up our day!

But the Deadpool movies can be a bit brutal.


So what happens when a little kid wants to watch them?

Well, a mother asked Ryan Reynolds exactly that.

So what was Ryan Reynolds' advice to the mother?

To put on Spider-Man.

Which, to be fair, isn't the worst idea he's ever had! I say she should try it and see if it works!