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Hampton University Offers Free Enrollment To Bahamas Students Impacted By Dorian

In an effort to help those affected by the devastating impact of Hurricane Dorian, Virginia's Hampton University has opened its doors and offered a free semester of enrollment to any University of the Bahamas students displaced by the destruction, CNN reported.

Dorian touched down in the Bahamas earlier this week and left a scene of utter ruin in its wake.

The Category 5 storm destroyed several islands on Sunday and Monday, resulting in what Prime Minister Hubert Minnis has called "the greatest national crisis in our country's history."

The death toll has risen to 30 and is only expected to continue to climb as rescue efforts continue. According to the Bahama's Minister of Health, Dr. Duane Sands, the number of causalities "could be staggering."

Thousands of islanders have been displaced by the devastating storm, including students attending the University of the Bahamas.

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However, Virginia's Hampton University has announced a partnership with the Bahamas institution and revealed that it is offering free enrollment to those students whose education has been interrupted by Dorian's destruction.

University of the Bahamas students will be able to study at the Hampton campus during the fall semester, completely tuition-free.

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"I think this agreement is something that can be helpful to a great number of students and families, and is part of something I've tried to do my entire career — helping people to achieve and meet their goals," Hampton University President William R. Harvey said in a statement.

Those students will be given free room and board for the duration of the fall semester.

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Once the semester is over, they will have the option to stay at Hampton and continue their education while paying standard tuition and school fees.

According to its website, Hampton University is "one of the top historically black university in the world" with roots that "reach deep into the history of this nation and the African-American experience."

"Rich in history, steeped in tradition, Hampton University is a dynamic, progressive institution of higher education."

Former Hampton University student Lawrence Rigby said he's proud of his alma mater.

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"Hampton has been the educational choice for many Bahamians over its long history," he said in a statement. "I am grateful to President Harvey and university leadership on this demonstration of kindness and humanity to my home in our time of need."

He added, "Young Bahamians from Abaco and Grand Bahama who are looking for the tools to rebuild their lives and our home will find them at Hampton."

h/t: CNN, New York Mag

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