24 Slick Creations Worth Celebrating

Everyone knows someone who is probably way smarter than any of us realize. Like, there was someone who thought up all the things we take for granted now, like indoor toilets, email, air conditioning...the list goes on!

But, we can't stop looking for these creative geniuses. They're still everywhere and probably still have a lot of cool tricks up their sleeves.

1. Look at this beautiful table! I love the color of the wood, and it looks so sturdy. 

Reddit | Cosmos_Cawboy

But those aren't even the coolest things about it, oh no. This picnic table has seats at the end of both sides! That's two extra people you can chill with.

2. Traveling is stressful, even when it's really good and smooth.

Reddit | JakeTheSnake134

I bet that it can be even more stressful if you've got your sweet furry friend to worry about! But this airport has you and your dog covered with this beautiful bathroom.

3. So, here we have a bunch of notes all stapled together, but without a staple. Pretty great, right? 

Reddit | PoisonousPork

But the even cooler thing is that the printer did this! It just came out of the machine like that! What will they think of next?

4. I just painted a couple rooms in my apartment and I gotta say, I wish this had been an option for me.

Reddit | because_oranges

These color tests come in handy roller form so that they're easy to use and way less messy.

5. Public bathrooms are nasty. There is not a single person who would disagree with that.

Reddit | Jw3k

This place is taking little steps to make it less gross by having the flusher on the ground so you can use your foot. Genius.

6. And this bathroom just showed them up big time with hand sanitizer on the door handle! 

Reddit | CaffeinatedApe

Now you can get rid of all the nasty door handle germs...what will they think of next?

7. At first I thought this was so dumb, but then I remember how much bread I throw out because I just can't eat it all before it goes bad. 

Reddit | Brewmeiser

8. These will end up being a lifesaver for people way more often than we think, I'm sure.

Reddit | RighteousToad

Especially for those of us who wear high heels. We can't all be Rihanna — walking across a grate is risky business for us normal folk.

9. The lights over the spaces in this parking garage let you know if a space is available or not.

Reddit | dwna

Pretty smart, right? Driving around a parking garage always makes me feel sick to my stomach.

10. This toaster was invited by someone who is probably one of the greatest minds of our time. 

Reddit | Alex_of_Bree

It has a Pop-Tart setting. Yeah, you heard me...now they'll be perfect every time, because we all still eat them, right?

11. This little beer cozy is a tiny trash can!

Reddit | bkelley

I am not even kidding, I want one and I don't even drink. It gives a whole new meaning to getting trashed, am I right?

12. We already talked about how cool it was that a printer could make booklets without staples, but for many offices, staples are still a thing.

Reddit | xXxM0RPH3USxXx

This stapler comes with a staple remover...two in one, for all your stapling needs.

13. Apparently, these grapes taste like cotton candy...

Reddit | SaiFive

I'm a little weirded out. I don't think I want to know all the details, but this is one way to get people to eat a more balanced diet.

14. When I was a kid, I loved going to the fair and getting rock candy.

Reddit | proudcynik

But using them to stir sugar into your tea is next-level genius and I AM HERE FOR IT!

15. This Taco Bell shares a wall with a bar and they decided to make lemonade out of lemons and put in a take-out window.

Reddit | Chad_Hansen

Talk about knowing your audience. If that isn't genius, I don't know what is.

16. This wall mount makes it super easy to hook up your computer or streaming devices to the TV.

Reddit | 4kVHS

I imagine it helps a lot with messy cords, too, and I can totally support that.

17. Here we have another fast food establishment living in the future.

Reddit | dhcrusoe

You can order a pizza and then proceed to check out movies to rent, which is awesome! I mean, no one really rents movies anymore, but yeah.

18. This is so neat, I love this idea! 

Reddit | RaeADropOfGoldenSun

This machine prints out really short stories for someone to read if they so choose. I would love to read them, but I would also love to write one.

19. I love the idea of charging my phone while I am just sitting doing my work without having to worry about being tangled up in cords.

Reddit | ImTheGerbilKing

Or having to find an outlet, which is always worse.

20. This shot glass has a variety of different measurements on it.

Reddit | Porkfloss_2

It's a great idea! It saves you from having to google conversions of measurements, and you'll probably also learn better by doing it.

21. These desks are probably a godsend to students.

Reddit | barryoke

They can sit down and relax while being able to charge their computers and phones. Having it right there is so handy.

22. This is so cute, I'm glad someone thought to do this. 

Reddit | SaltedBagelChips

It's probably hard for the little ducks to get over the circular barrier, but now they have a safe place to get in and out of the water.

23. I've seen this in a few restaurants and I've gotta say that as smart as it is, it also makes using the washroom a much longer ordeal.

Reddit | TrumpAndHillarysBaby

Especially if it's a movie that I haven't seen, ya know?

24. I don't know about you, but trying to figure out where I can do a U-turn and when it's OK to do one is always a struggle.

Reddit | pupitar1

With this light, all the guessing is gone and it's safer.