'Game Of Thrones' Showrunners Defend Coffee Cup Incident: "Only God Can Do Anything Perfect"

Wow... it seems so long ago that this was a thing... Gosh, are we ready to relive the pain that was Season 8 again?

Okay, take my hand, we'll do this together readers.

Let's have a chat, dear reader, about the end of an era.


Like many ends of eras before it, it was a dark and somber time.

Accompanied by the fact that it's widely accepted that this era's end was grossly mishandled, and you've got a recipe for a lot of grief.

I am, of course, talking about the end of 'Game Of Thrones'.


It had endings for characters that felt unsatisfying and mistakes in production that plagued this series' final season.

And we're here to talk about a very special mistake.

Because the showrunners are finally commenting as well.


After months of throwing our hands to the sky and saying "What were they thinking?" we finally get an answer to that question.

Their reasoning? Because they're not god.

Well, not in so many words.


I'll let the infamous D&D take this one:

“It’s, like, you know, I think in Persian rugs, it’s tradition that you make a little mistake when making the rug because only God can do anything perfect,” [David] Benioff said.

“That’s why I put the coffee cup there,” [D.B.] Weiss completed. “Conscious, concerted statement of our imperfection.”

Is he having a laugh?