
Netflix's Final Season Of 'Lucifer' Will Start Off "Really Sad"

Last time we saw Lucifer he went all the way back to hell, and he was not happy about it.

But we're hoping that he's able to make it up to the human world so he could finally be with Chloe.

The production is starting September 6th, so we'll have to wait a while before we see a trailer.


But we'll be so happy when it finally drops!

It would be kind of interesting if Chloe went to hell to be with him.


But I certainly can't see Chloe leaving her daughter behind, so probably not.

The title of the first episode is "Really Sad Devil Guy".

Jeez, when was the last time Lucifer was actually really sad about something?

Poor guy!

Are you excited for the new season?


I can't wait for the new and final season. I'm so excited to see how they wrap it up.

Let us know below in the comments if you're excited too!