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Female Gamer Brilliantly Shuts Down Sexist Troll By Reporting Him — To His Mother

Some people on the internet can say some pretty nasty things, especially if they're feeling brave because they're hidden behind a computer screen. Anyone who's ever dabbled in video games before knows this community has known for having plenty to say to each other — and not all of it very polite.

One female gamer and reviewer found herself the target of some aggressive and hateful comments, but she knew exactly what needed to be done in order to shut this person down for good.

Harassment of women in the gaming community is nothing new.

In fact, it's so common that many women gamers will choose to play male characters or disable voice chat in order to keep their gender secret in multiplayer games.

In fact, treatment of women as players, creators, and gaming news media came to a head in 2014.

Wikipedia | Ian Linkletter

What became known as Gamergate began as harassment against developer Zoë Tiberius Quinn by an ex-boyfriend that quickly spiralled into a toxic campaign of misogyny and sexual harassment against women gamers in general.

But while it was a rough few years, things are beginning to settle out and those same women aren't willing to just take the abuse anymore.

Kallie Plagge is a video game enthusiast, as well as a writer and reviewer for the website,

Twitter | @inkydojikko

According to The Daily Beast, the 25 year old has become fairly used to the harassment she receives from men, and she's usually able to just let their ridiculous comments go.

But one man's hate was just too...well, hateful to ignore.

Instagram | @inkydojikko

Apparently, he didn't agree with her latest video game review, so he decided to let his feelings be known.

After receiving the message, Plagge decided he went too far and reached out to the one person she knew would be able to knock some sense into him: his mother.

Twitter | @inkydojikko

In a series of private Facebook messages to the man's mom, Plagge explained that although the two don't know each other, she thought the woman might like to know what her son sends to random females on the internet in his spare time.

Particularly, women he "doesn't agree with."

Unsurprisingly, the man's mom was none too pleased to find out about her son's foul-mouth language directed at women.

Twitter | @inkydojikko

In her response to Plagge, the woman told her that the man is 37 and that she is "so going after him."

"He [definitely] has problems," the mom wrote. "I will straighten him out!"

Twitter | @inkydojikko

When in doubt, you can always count on mom to take matters into her own hands and remind her son of his manners!

Plagge shared their exchange to her Twitter page where it quickly went viral, racking up more than 200,000 likes.

In the comments, people have voiced their support for Plagge and have praised her for her decision to involve the man's mother.

Many just couldn't get over the age reveal, which others revelled in the schadenfreude.

Twitter | @RaccoonFangs

"I didn't expect Art on my timeline this morning, but Art is what I got," one user wrote, while another added, "Every time a woman forwards creepy unacceptable messages to the sender's mother, an angel gets their wings."

h/t: The Daily Beast