YouTube | Joey Nolan

Spooky CCTV Footage Catches Ghost Child Playing With Its Pet Inside House

Not many people believe in ghosts and that's fine, to each their own. But when someone captures what looks like a ghost on video, it makes being a skeptic much, much harder.

Ghost videos may not be everyone's cup of tea, but hey, let's just pretend we're all into it so that angry spirits don't kill us in our sleep please?

I don't mess with ghosts.

I'll admit that I'm a believer in the supernatural and yeah, I'm definitely convinced that I've seen a ghost once or twice. So suffice it to say, videos like this work perfectly to give me the ol' heebie jeebies.

Joey Nolan is pretty sure his home security camera picked up on the ghost of a child playing.

More specifically, the ghost of a little boy.

According to LADBible, the Long Island, New York native saw the spooky footage on his CCTV and has had multiple people tell him he's managed to catch a ghost playing with what seems to be its ghost pet dog.

The video was shot in Nolan's living room which appears competely empty, save for the family's pet cat lying near the stairs.

YouTube | Joey Nolan

It seems like it's captured a pretty unremarkable evening at the Nolan residence. That is, until there's a bit of movement in the bottom right-hand corner.


There's some movement near the kitchen, and it looks like a small, blurry outline of a figure runs through the doorway into the living room. It briefly goes downstairs before coming back up again, seemingly playing with a particularly energetic dog.

Nolan said the footage has a little spooked, largely because of what's been happening leading up to the discovery of the ghost figure on film.

He said that weeks before they found the CCTV video, he had a dream that he and his wife got their daughter a pet puppy. After telling his spouse, it turned out that they both had the same dream.

Things only got weirder from there.

Unsplash | Tertia van Rensburg

"About a week later, after she had caught the 'apparition' on camera, I figured the spirit of a dog must have hopped into bed with us the night we had the dreams," Nolan said, adding that beside that, they've both just experienced random noises heard throughout the home.

"We're comfortable about being home alone"

"At first it was kind of sketchy," he explained, "But we've attempted to open a line of communication, just in case it is a spirit. We have an 'our house is your house' kinda approach to the situation, as long as it stays pleasant, we're not trying to involve the church."

He added that if anything more "sinister" were to start happening, of course they would move.

"From the feedback we're getting, it's just a child and their pet and they seem like pretty chill company," he continued, "So no need to rush to conclusions and ask them to move out just yet."

Watch the full video below.

I, for one, would be already searching for a new home, but Nolan said his family isn't bothered by their ghostly guest.

h/t: LADBible

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