
Everyday Things You Can Clean With Vinegar

If there's one cleaning ingredient that really does wonders with big and small messes it's definitely vinegar. It's a household item that most people already have on hand but some of us don't realize how useful it really is.

There's a variety of uses for vinegar and I'm happy to run through a bunch of them with you.

1. Great Microwave Cleaner

Practically Functional

Microwave a mixture of 1/2 cup of water and a 1/4 cup of white vinegar with lemon for three minutes. Let the mixture stand for four minutes, then scrub away the scum.

2. Sanitize Your Dishwasher


To get rid of that musty smell just put a bowl of vinegar on the top shelf. Sprinkle baking soda on bottom and run the cycle.

3. Clean That Shower Head

The NY Melrose Family

Fill a ziplock bag with vinegar, submerge your shower head in it and tie with a rubber band. Let soak overnight. Hard water build-up will be gone!

4. Create A Shower And Tub Cleaning Solution


Forget buying all those expensive cleaners. Just heat 1.5 cups of vinegar, pour it into a spray bottle and add 1.5 cups of Dawn. Your tub will shine.

5. Clean Carpets With Vinegar

Clean Mama

Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle. Spray your carpet and let it stand. Sprinkle baking soda and scrub. Then rinse, vacuum and voilĂ !

6. DIY All-Purpose Cleaner


Fill a mason jar with orange peels and pour vinegar in. Let it stand for two weeks. Remove orange peels and pour the solution into a spray bottle.

7. Clean Your Washing Machine

I Heart Nap Time

Just like with a dishwasher you can clean your washing machine with just vinegar. Pour two-three cups and run the hottest cycle.

8. Clean Your Towels

Unsplash | LumenSoft Technologies

If your towels are starting to smell like mildew, just add vinegar to your wash cycle. Run it on hot and they will smell great.

9. Clean Old Paint Brushes

Unsplash | David Pisnoy

Just when you thought you would have to throw them away. Soak them in vinegar and then use a bit of Dawn for stubborn stains.

10. Get Your Faucets To Sparkle

Cute As A Fox

Soak paper towels in vinegar and wrap those faucets in them. Let it sit for two minutes then wipe away and watch them shine.

11. Clean Your Stove With Vinegar


I hate grease on my stove. But spraying vinegar and letting it stand for five-10 minutes will help to wipe it all away.

12. Eliminate Coffee Build-Up

That coffee maker surely gets a lot of use, huh? Filling the reservoir with vinegar and running the machine dissolves minerals and cuts the oil.

13. Unclog Your Drains


Did you know that adding baking soda to your drain and then pouring vinegar down will help to unclog your drains? I didn't know that.

14. Clean Stubborn Scorched Pans


Pour a small mixture that's equal parts water and white vinegar into your pan. Turn on your burner, and let the mixture come to a boil.

After a minute, drain the vinegar and allow the pan to cool. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to the pan and then scrub away any remaining grime.

Wow, can you believe that one simple household item can have so many amazing and powerful cleaning uses?

I'm stocking up on vinegar asap and saying bye to other cleaners.

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