
9+ People Who Tried Their Best But Still Missed The Mark

You know when you attempt to do something but it's just not your forte? That kinda sucks. But when you think about it, at least you gave it a go and tried your best, right? That's gotta count for something.

These people took a stab at something new and even though they failed badly, at least they took a shot.

1. Growing Pains

Reddit | Hel0_

When you set up a garden in your yard and are so gung-ho about all the veggies that are gonna grow and then this happens. Carrots from the store are included for comparison.

2. When Even Professionals Fail

Reddit | wonderlandr

That time you went to a professional salon to get that perfect hair dye job because you didn't want to screw it up yourself... and then this happened.

3. Cheese Head

Reddit | darkandtwistysissy

When you ask a friend to help you grate some cheese and realize he was trying to force the cheese through the potato masher. LOL.

4. When You Attempt To Cheer People Up

Twitter | @jamesorharry

Don't try this on your commute home because it doesn't seem to me like it would be all that well received.

5. When You're Not That Artsy

Reddit | threatlevelmindight

I think this seemed like a good idea at the time but somehow along the way it took a turn for the worse.

6. Grilled Cheese Master

Reddit | kellinthename

So, you got one of those grilled cheese machines because you didn't want to mess up this task but it didn't work out anyway. Ohhh noooo...

7. When You Feel Like A Dummy

Reddit | SayLittleDoMuch

Ha, ha! Imagine living at your place for quite some time only to finally realize those magical avocados are coming from your tree? LOL!

8. When You Can't Read Labels

Reddit | Mwall9

I guess his eyes must have been in really bad shape that he couldn't read the bottle that said these were peppermint breath drops.

9. Baking Disaster

Reddit | jellybeanmagnets

They said, "Bake a cake for your kid's birthday. It's going to be fun and easy." Well, I tried and it wasn't fun or easy.

10. When You Attempt To Improve Yourself

Oh no. I feel so bad for this sneaky job seeker. Next time just make sure you avoid the TV cameras.

11. Wrong Ad Placement

Reddit | ScreamoBMO

When you've been planning a yard sale for two weeks, only to put the ad behind a construction site and nobody shows up.

12. When You Try To Rush Your Job

Note to self, never paint the subway platform right before rush hour starts unless you want to do it again.

13. When You Attempt To Date A Celebrity

OMG, I feel so terrible for this girl. Now everybody knows who's her crush and he wants nothing to do with it.

14. Not The Same Bird

Reddit | erinflah1

Can you tell which photo is of one person's attempt to recreate a ceramic bird? I'll give you a hint: It's 100% not the top photo.

Oh, I have to say I feel a bad for these folks even though I'm also laughing inside.

But we've all been there at some point in our lives.