Unsplash | Dmitry Schemelev

Woman Learned Through Family Tree Test That Her Husband Had A Secret Child

In life, we meet people and we fall in love with them and think we know their complete life story.

But, there are so many parts of people that we don't know about, because unless we know them from the day they are born, we don't always know what has happened in their lives. Even our spouses can be hiding something.

When we get married, we hope we know just about everything about our spouses.

Unsplash | Wu Jianxiong

We trust that they have told us everything about their past, or the important things at least.

However, there is always the possibility that there are individuals who have had an entire life before they met us and they hide things from us.

There is nothing worse than feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under you.

Unsplash | Drew Coffman

There is no feeling that is worse than finding out that someone you love has been lying to you and hiding things from you.

But, when you find out, you absolutely have no idea how to handle it. So, you seek out advice.

One wife recently turned to a popular Mom blog to ask advice about her husband.

Unsplash | Andrew Neel

Claire14467 wrote into Mumsnet, a popular mom blog, asking for some advice about something she found out about her husband and his past.

She didn't know who else to turn to or who to ask, so she asked fellow women who may have some solid advice.

Claire14467 said someone had reached out to her, claiming to be her husband's son.

Unsplash | Braňo

She said that she was "contacted by someone who claims to be her husband's son."

Clearly, from before they had gotten together and gotten married. She says he found out through a DNA test.

Ancestry sites and DNA tests have become very popular today.

Unsplash | Gemma Evans

Many companies have been pushing and marketing DNA tests and ancestry sites that give people their entire family tree.

This allows for people to find family members of theirs that they never knew that they had.

The wife says that "the DNA sites have her DNA" because they've done the tests themselves.

Unsplash | Louis Reed

"He says the site indicates that there is a parental match to my husband. I know we have done these so they have our DNA on the system but I must say my husband was not keen on it at all at the time," she said.

She said she was "in absolute shock."

The news that her husband may have a son from before their marriage was something that "shocked" her and she wasn't sure how to handle it.

She hadn't confronted her husband yet, and she was wondering what to do and how to handle it.

Many had questions on the matter.

Unsplash | Sandy Millar

User Idontgiveagriffindamn asked if the original poster was shocked because the husband lied or shocked because the age/dates of the child suggest that her husband had cheated on her.

The poster said that they have been "married for 34 years," so it could be that he did walk out on their marriage.

Some added that men can be shady.

Unsplash | Omar Lopez

"My grandchild’s father attempted to make my daughter sign an NDA stating she would never name him as the father. There are men who completely and deliberately deny their child’s existence," said someone on the Moms thread.

Another said that her husband may not even know.

Unsplash | Caleb Woods

While some say he could be hiding the child from her, another said he may not even know that the child exists. In fact, the woman could have had the child and just decided to never tell the guy at all.

Many said she shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet.

Unsplash | Priscilla Du Preez

"I can understand being shocked - if this man is younger than your marriage I would also understand being angry, but also wouldn't jump to too many conclusions until you have found out more. It could be a con, but if it is that will probably come out pretty quickly if you talk to husband," they said.

What a story!

h/t Mumsnet