People Are Sharing Their Awkward But Totally Relatable 'Proof Of Delivery' Photos

Throughout the pandemic, people started ordering lots of stuff online. After all, we had to stay home and out of the public. So, tons of deliveries commenced and with that came the concept of "proof of delivery."

That's what companies relied upon to show that indeed an item was delivered as promised. However, some of the pictures uploaded by delivery people are funnier than ever before. So check them out and laugh out loud.

This 'Caught by Surprise' Moment

This serves as a warning to you, be careful when you order your food for delivery. You never know when a picture like this might go viral one day, ha, ha! Don't say I didn't tell you about it.

This Unglamorous Moment

Here's what happens when you think you can just grab your food and nobody will see you. Gotcha! Now the whole internet witnessed how glamorous your life really is, hee-hee! Heck, at least there were no rolls in the hair.

This 'Be Cool' Moment

If you're going to be in your food delivery picture, you might as well look cool, no? I guess that's what this guy thought of when it came time to do it. Is that something you would do, too?

This Ghastly Apparition

Don't you love it when there's a glitch in the universe, and your image gets captured like this? Something tells me that this person was more surprised by this than the food they ordered, hee-hee. I think it looks kind of fun.

This Proof Of Delivery

Wait a minute, how is this proof of delivery? This could have been anybody out there picking up that food? Don't you think so, too? Hmm, I would be a little suspicious of a picture like this.

This Fine Moment

This is what happens when you try to discretely sneak out to grab your food. And then you hear the snap of a picture, ha, ha! Why is it that they always pick the worst moment to do that, huh?

This Unlucky Recipient

Oh my! What do we have here? I bet this cat thinks he's the lucky recipient. Little does he realize it's just food for his owner here. But it does make for a super adorable picture. Am I right?

This Sock Shot

Oh, how cool, this person coordinated their sock color to the food. Too bad we can't see the rest of their festive outfit, huh? I bet it's equally on point. At least that's what I would like to think.

This Lovely Pose

So when you realize that you're being captured on camera, it's that fight or flight type of moment. This lady here decided to just smile and wave. I think that's a good choice after all. That way, you don't look too crazy, lol.

This Regretful Pose

Quick, think of a cute way you can pose for a food delivery picture you weren't prepared for, hee-hee. This lady did, but immediately afterward, she regretted her stance here. Oh, well, what can you do? Just live with it.

This Recovery Move

So this guy was almost caught slipping. And thankfully, it wasn't a video that he got caught on but just a still picture, ha, ha! Nice recovery, man. I guess it was worth it for whatever is in that bag.

This Mesmerizing One

Seriously, if I were a driver, I would make sure I captured the cat in the proof of delivery picture, too, ha, ha! I mean, just look at this little guy. He's the cutest thing I've seen in a while.

This Lonely Delivery

Um, excuse me. So is this how they deliver food these days? I mean, I thought that by delivery, they meant door-to-door. Boy, was I ever wrong, huh? But honestly, I don't think I've ever seen that before.

This Instant Classic

I bet this lady didn't really appreciate being reminded she looked like a goblin picking up her groceries. I don't think you'll find this picture in one of her albums. But I've got to say it's a pretty funny capture.

This Hilarious One

Oh, no! Not another baby who ordered food by playing on their parent's phone. I'm just surprised that they sent this tyke to pick it up too. Aww, isn't that so cute? Ha, ha, I can't stop laughing.

This Awkward Maneuver

Um, what is exactly going on here? I'm pretty confused by it. Why wouldn't this person just open the door and grab their food? What's the point of doing that? Perhaps they want to see how long their arm could stretch, huh?

This Evil Stare

I bet this delivery person felt quite happy there was a screen door separating them from this demon. Run human — the cat is about to fire its laser beams, though. Oh my goodness, I would be scared, too, lol.

This Glamorous Moment

If that's how this lady eats her delivery food, I want to dine at her house, ha, ha! I'm usually decked out in my finest pair of sweat pants and a shirt that's hopefully not stained. How about you?

So, here's the thing I don't order food that often for delivery.

Hopefully, next time I do, I won't be caught like a deer in the headlights like these folks here did.

Except for the lady above — she's got her game on, and I like it. Have you ever been caught off guard by a door-to-door delivery?