Door Camera Catches Powerful Moment Where Mom Helps Child Manage His Anger

If there's one thing we've learned as a result of being so connected to each other nowadays, it's how many ways there are to do just about everything.

But while we can see this in the vast array of lifehacks (that vary in quality) at our disposable, it's also true with more intangible skills like parenting.

And in that respect, we're seeing an increasing number of parents finding alternatives to the conventional wisdom they grew up with. This could mean they moderate their kids' relationships with other family members differently, or it could mean that they're avoiding unhelpful clichés when they talk to their children.

And it's true that different parenting styles can be interesting when we hear about them in the abstract, but one mom's accidental video shows that they can make even more of an impact when you see them in action.

On December 7, Destiny Bennett uploaded a video showing a conversation she had with her five-year-old son Cash.

According to Bored Panda, Cash had been embroiled in an argument with his siblings over sharing toys.

And as we can see here, this happened in the context of long-standing issues the child has had in processing big emotions.

And when she saw that her son wasn't able to let his disappointment go, she decided to take him outside for a talk.

She began by affirming how much she loves him and recognizing that he's angry while also wanting him to feel better.

Bennett then used these statements as an in-road to tell Cash that she wanted him to love himself enough to see that anger for himself and to want to feel better as well.

She then acknowledged that that we often feel better when we get the things that we want, but told her son that this isn't possible sometimes.

In her words, "And it's okay to be angry, but then we have to be able to let it go and understand that we're not going to get it. And we have to find another way to make our body feel better."

And once she reiterated that she wanted Cash to love himself and how much she loved him, they shared the embrace we see here.

And not only did so many people find this exchange absolutely adorable, but it gave them good feelings about how Cash would grow up.

As one commenter put it, "This baby is about to be so healthy emotionally. This has my emotions rising. The love of a mom is just out of this universe."

And for others, it only highlighted what they felt they missed out on during their own childhoods.

In the words of another person, "They way my mom would just tell me 'I'll give you something to cry/be upset about' brought tears to my eyes this morning."

h/t: Bored Panda

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