Woman Creates A Museum For Her Pet Gecko Featuring Reptilian Art Replicas

The creativity of pet owners never ceases to amaze me and thanks to the internet, we can all see these clever creations online.

Apparently, the latest trend among pet owners is building miniature art galleries for their pets. Yes, you read that correctly — tiny art galleries featuring works of art featuring the owner's beloved pet.

Let's take a look at this woman's DIY gallery made in honor of her pet gecko.

Meet Jill and The Mayor.

Jill is an actor, writer, and comedian. The Mayor is a gecko. And together, they reside in Dallas, Texas, where they get up to all sorts of hijinks. Case in point: the gecko art museum.

It all started when Jill saw a gerbil art museum.

Enterprising couple Filippo Lorenzin and Marianna Benetti built their gerbils their very own art museum, complete with information cards and stand-up displays. The gerbils — Pandoro & Tiramisù — clearly loved it.

Jill ALSO loved it.

She saw the gerbil museum on Twitter and decided to create her own museum for The Mayor. I love ideas that come from Twitter. It's a deeply haunted, insane place with the most creative people in the world in it.

The result? Gecko museum.

Here you can see The Mayor enjoying his brand new, private museum! Jill decided to recreate iconic paintings with geckos, such as "The Scream" and "Birth of Venus."

It's so luxurious.

Look at those "velvet" ropes keeping The Mayor from getting too close to the art! Like any good curator, Jill made sure the art is safe from the patrons who view it. So smart.


SOMEHOW, The Mayor found his way under the ropes and climbed all over the art. I can't believe security didn't stop him. This is going to be an international incident.

Jill is no stranger to building things for her pets.

She built a "CAT-illac" for her cat, Jack, on his 16th birthday. Jack looks thrilled with his new car! And what's that on the license plate? Oh, it says "treator." That checks out.

Shoutout to everyone who did weird stuff during quarantine.

Being locked inside in 2020 could have been awful, but most people found ways to get super creative with their unexpected time indoors. Jill is the perfect example of human ingenuity.

What do you think of the gecko art museum?

Unsplash | Anna Kolosyuk

Is it everything you expected it to be? I know I love it, and I kind of wish I could do one for my cat.

Would you try this craft out? Let me know!