Man Gets Mocked Online After Sharing 'Ridiculous' Buttered Toast Hack

There's nothing worse than realizing you've been doing something wrong for a long period of time. It's like when I learned I had been pouring cooking oil all wrong, or that I had never really properly washed my wooden spoons. At least when I do something wrong, however. I don't share it with thousands of people on the internet.

Unfortunately, one man is getting mocked online after he shared his way of making buttered toast.

I think I speak for many people when I say bread is one of the great loves of my life.

Any way you slice it (see what I did there?) bread completes, or fully just makes, a meal.

Let's be real — I've never met a type of bread I didn't like.

One way I have never had bread, though, is in a slow cooker... *obviously.*

Unsplash | Charles Chen

However, one man is going viral for saying that is his favorite way to get perfectly toasted, buttery bread every single time.

Don't knock it to you try it, right?!

In a slow cooker recipe group on Facebook, one man shared his way to get "perfect" toast and butter.

"My slow cooked toast recipe," he shared, alongside three photos. "1.5 hours on warm and 30 minutes on low for perfect toast and butter at end."

Naturally, people couldn't just be supportive of this man's recipe and instead had to roast him!

"I use a toaster normally takes about 2 minutes," said one snarky user. "Ridiculous."

"This is advanced slow cooking. Compliments to the chef!! This recipe has blown my mind. I think I'll try this tomorrow, can't wait to see how it turns out!" joked one user.

"Oh good lord what happened to the toaster and who can wait that long for breakfast. Then someone asks for the recipe. I love my slow cooker, but get a grip folks," said another.

Look, sometimes melting the butter fresh out of the fridge can be a battle, so I understand the thought process.

But do I have two hours to wait to shove one piece of toast down my throat? Absolutely not!

Will I try it this weekend when I'm bored out of my mind? Probably!