Unsplash | Christian Bowen

People Are Sharing The Most Interesting Stories About Their Grandparents

If there's one thing grandparents love (besides bingo), it's their stories.

It's their way of connecting with their grandkids and keeping their memory alive, long after they're gone.

Some of these stories are even super interesting. One person's grandparent was on the Unabomber's hit list while another rescued Jewish people from concentration camps!

Keep reading for more stories that are better than any juicy book!

The boil

When this Redditor's grandma was young, she had a boil on her butt. In order to remove it, they poured some hot water into a chamber pot and had her sit on it. But when she tried to stand up, the pot wouldn't come off since the cold water had formed a vacuum seal on her butt cheek.

Cut to the Grandma, naked from the waist down with a pot stuck to her butt, running away from the adults as fast as she could!

The love affair


"My grandma (Mexican) met a Japanese foreign student and they fell in love, so she went to Japan to meet his parents and try to get married, but it was really hard because he was the firstborn and she was from another country so his parents didn’t want their son to marry her." - u/theprinceoftheundead

The prohibition

Unsplash | Wil Stewart

"During prohibition, her brothers would stock up on liquor and drugs, keeping them in a milk crate on the top shelf of the pantry. Then, once or twice a month, they would tie the milk crate to their ankles, add a makeshift ballast, and swim across the border to the US for a quick buck. Good times." - u/------__--

The bird

Unsplash | Tim Mossholder

This Redditor's grandpa took an interest in homing pigeons as a young boy.

He bred a fantastic one and eventually sold it. But when it got free, it returned back to him. This sparked an idea... he managed to sell that same bird upwards of 10 times!

The prisoner

"Grandfather lives in city known for big prison. He's be-boppin at the local Walmart. Then a prisoner got loose and they had a barricade in the parking lot. Grandfather somehow shuffles right through. Grandmother told me this." - u/deleted

The bombing

Unsplash | Jordy Meow

"When I was a kid my Grandpa used to tell me stories of his childhood growing up in London during the Blitz. One was how his family home was hit by or severely damaged by bombs 3 times over the course of the war." - u/Kill_U_Ricky_Spanish

The hunting trip

Unsplash | Fred Kearney

This Redditor's grandfather used to take hunting trips with his friends for weeks at a time. Once, the area they hunted was in the middle of nowhere and only accessible by helicopter.

This was the worst place for one of the friends to start showing signs of appendicitis.

Since he needed immediate medical attention and they were unable to signal or help, they got the friend super drunk and were about to cut him open and perform the surgery. Thankfully, a plane flew overhead before they started cutting!

The German codes

Unsplash | Chris Curry

"My grandmother is from England and joined the British navy during WW2 and learned morse code, she eventually got so good at that and code-solving she got sent to Station X to work for Alan Turing and figure out the german codes." - u/theboy_inred777

The circus

"My grandfather ran away from home when he was like 11-12. He returned when he was 19. He had joined the circus. He bought a small hotel with like 4 rooms when he returned home." - u/pharfromhuman

The atomic bomb

This next story is a real bombshell! The Redditor's grandpa was on the water as a boy when he saw a loud flash and then a massive cloud. "Turns out he had stumbled his way to a spot where he could watch the first atomic bomb detonate."

The Prisoner of War

Unsplash | Stijn Swinnen

"My grandpa was a POW in Sweden during WWII. His plane was shot down and he was captured. He said he was tortured and fed basically a slice of bread and a glass of water a day." - u/notgoodwithyourname

The secret hideaway

Unsplash | Lukasz Szmigiel

"My maternal grandmother hid out from the Nazis in a small cellar in the middle of the woods. She was with her parents and several siblings and they stayed there for six months while a neighbor brought them food in return for silver." - u/Yserbius

The bodies

This grandma found three dead bodies when she was three. After police got involved, it was discovered that they were homeless people who were murdered.

While the town knew who did it, no one brought them to justice.

The morse code


"My grandpa worked as a radio (morse code) operator during WWII. One day, a message came in, and as he wrote it out, he realized it was the message - informing everyone that the war was over." - u/synra

The porcupine

"When my grandfather was a kid, he found a porcupine in the woods and decided to keep it as a pet. God only knows how he managed to catch it, but he kept it in a cage for about a month until his mom told him to get rid of it." - u/uneducated_peanut

The Unabomber

This grandfather was informed through the FBI that he was on the Unabomber's hit list! He used to be the director at the American Farm Bureau, so one day a suspicious package with no return address came in the mail.

The escape

"My grandpa told me how he walked back several thousand miles from captivity in Siberia. Took him 5 months (with occasional train-surfing). People in Russia fed him, sometimes he stole." - u/Stoms2

The road trip

"My grandma made an impromptu cross-country road trip from New York to Texas on the back of her then boyfriend's motorcycle, with her cocker spaniel sitting in her lap. Grandma was a badass." - u/shakestuffup73

H/T: Reddit, Reddit