Hilarious Quotes About What It's Like To Really Be A Woman

Being a woman is hard work. We are not only caring for ourselves, but we have to carry the weight of the entire family and then some on our shoulders. And, not to mention, all of the societal pressure to look like an Instagram influencer every time we get up and leave the house.

Plus, bras are pretty damn expensive, are they not!?

That explains it.

The whole "women mature faster than men" is 500% true. I mean, who else has a husband who laughs at fart jokes at the age of 32? No, is it just me?

Plus, we can't deny men do get their boobs later in life. Yikes.

Did anyone else have no eyebrows back then?

Okay correct me if I'm wrong but the early 2000s was filled with literally skinny, tiny, almost invisible eyebrows.

I shaved mine off, by accident and the pictures are going to haunt me until the day I die. At least we all fill our eyebrows in now.

We have skills, man, skills!

Honestly, we all learned at a summer camp how to take our bra off with our shirt still on, because we all had to change in front of our entire camp group.

Let women run the world, honestly. We can do it with our eyes closed.

Be warned.

We go from 0-100 real quick, like Drake said. If you make us laugh during an argument, you best believe all bets are off. We are going for the jugular and we are not holding anything back.

Run for your life.