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Woman Puts Party Bus Service On Blast For Turning Her Away Due To Her Size

When you're a large or tall person, you often find yourself learning the hard way that the world is full of unexpected (and often subtle) challenges.

In some cases, we'll find ourselves having to twist our bodies in an uncomfortable ways to use certain everyday facilities and services. But at least when that happens, we can usually give their designers the benefit of the doubt and assume there wasn't any malice behind our lack of compatibility with what they created.

But sometimes, it becomes clear that we are just categorically not welcome among a certain business' clientele. And while that kind of blatant discrimination is notorious in the fashion industry, one woman's story makes it clear that this problem isn't exclusive to that realm.

On the weekend that straddled July and August, a TikTok user who goes by @curvybb spent the weekend in Miami with her friends.

As she said in her video, they had planned to attend a pool party at the DAER Dayclub in the Hard Rock Hotel and one of her friends secured tickets to a party bus operated by Spring Break Miami Party Service so they could arrive in style.

And while it initially seemed like they were in for a good time, @curvybb noticed something amiss when she looked at the bus service's Eventbrite listing.

Pexels | Lê Minh

As it says here, the company explicitly said they didn't want any "big girls" for customers and chose to limit their appeal to people whose appearances often get them into exclusive clubs.

However, the friend that got her tickets to the party bus through a promoter was never told any of this before they took her money.

But sure enough, that policy led staff to turn @curvybb away when she showed up with her ticket the next day.

As she put it, "I'm bigger than I guess the average girl and they decided to tell us that we can't get on the party bus."

Although she said that her money was refunded and stressed that this incident had nothing to do with the DAER Dayclub itself, she nonetheless found the experience embarrassing.

Although she recognizes that the bus service's policy isn't illegal, she implored others not to support a business that discrimniates against people in this way.

In her words, "There's no law, but it's just downright awful and rude and humiliating."

After her video picked up some traction online, she posted a follow-up TikTok in which a person claiming to be the bus service's owner told her that it was rude to single out plus-size women and that the "inappropriate language" from the Eventbrite listing has been removed.

However, this led @curvybb to wonder whether the policy itself has been changed or whether their listing just isn't blatantly outlining it anymore. And that's assuming that this person is genuinely who they claim to be.

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