
12+ Funny Pics Only Women Will Understand

Women have a special bond that nobody else can quite understand. Even if you're not the closest girlfriends or even know each other at all. Women can relate to things that no man will ever get no matter how much they try.

These funny memes and captions explain exactly what it's like to be a woman and why women need to have each other's backs.

1. Not The Bad Side

Instagram | @nottoopretty

Are you like me and always want to be photographed on the good side of your face? Because otherwise, the pictures are a total waste.

2. Don't Leave Home Without It

Isn't it cute when your boyfriend tells you you don't need any makeup even though he's never seen your face without it? LOL! Truth.

3. Latest Haircut Craze


That peer pressure you feel when all your girlfriends are trying to convince you to do the latest haircut when all you can see is this.

4. Them Nasty Creepy Crawlies

OMG, this actually happened to me a few days ago. I saw a spider in my drawer and haven't opened it since. Where is it?

5. The Necklace Panic


Or better yet you start sweating profusely and now you're going through all the other outfits you have in your mind 'cause you gotta change. True story.

6. A Quick Shower

The day you need to wash your hair and shave your legs all in the same shower means there might be no hot water left.

7. The Ugly Truth


OMG, I thought I was the only one who did this. Now I don't feel so bad. But seriously worst part of being at a salon.

8. Reasons Why Girls Are Always Late

I would add to that list: washing your hair, blow-drying your hair, putting your hair up, putting your hair down. Decisions, decisions.

9. The Real Truth


I always love when people ask this question because the answer is always so simple, right, ladies? I'm being sarcastic here of course. It's hard work.

10. When You've Got The Craving

Just when you thought nothing can cheer you up because it's that time of the month, you remember that chocolate you've got stashed away. Gimme, gimme.

11. The Beckham Moment


When you're having a low point in your day and really need a pick me up there's always this to look forward to. Always.

12. The Difference Between Boys And Girls

This pretty much sums it all up. Doesn't it? This is exactly why men think they're from Mars and women are from Venus.

13. Why Women Need To Use Makeup

Why is it that a man can look terrible, have grey hair and he's still considered to be a hunk? Not fair.

14. The Friend Zone


Oh no, not the dreaded friend zone. Face it guys, when a girl says this it's all over for you and there's nothing you can do.

15. When You Can't Grow Up

It's okay, honey, everyone should take their time doing what they want in life. So don't compare yourself to others. You'll get there.

16. There's Two Sides To Every Girl

Ha, ha. Just when you thought your skin was cooperating for once, NOPE! Too true.

17. It's All About The Lighting And Angles

Don't get me started on those selfies. I hope I'm not the only one who really sucks at taking them.

18. The Hair Troubles

Does every girl have a love and hate relationship with their hair? I definitely do. Somedays I love the front, other days I just hate it.

19. Oh, Those Fashion Trends

Whoever thought high-waisted jeans were a good idea should be sent to a desert island if you ask me. Not flattering.

20. When You've Got Real Problems


Oh yes, I've been there girlfriend. That does indeed suck. But just remember that it's not the end of the world. Okay? Good.

21. When You're Too Jealous


Ladies, sometimes you need to learn to trust your man even though it's the hardest thing you can do. It's healthy. Get it?

22. Put Down The Mascara

If your lashes can full-on stand on their own, it's probably time to tone down the mascara. Or not — you do you!

23. The Oggling Effect


Or eating a popsicle, ice cream or pretty much anything on a stick. Might as well just carry a spoon with you at all times. Ha, ha.

Do women have a harder time in life than men?

I might be biased here. But we do run into all sorts of unique situations basically on a daily basis.