Julia Stiles Shares Sweet Memory About Heath Ledger From '10 Things I Hate About You'

Julia Stiles is keeping Heath Ledger's memory alive.

The actor tragically passed away in 2008 at the age of 28. This was only nine years after they filmed the teen drama, 10 Things I Hate About You.

She recently shared an emotional behind-the-scenes story about the late actor on the set of the film.

Warning: get out the tissues for this one.

Heath Ledger was an icon for many.

He was one of the best actors around, even winning an Oscar after his death for his role as the Joker in The Dark Knight.

But fans loved him for far more beyond his serious acting. They loved his romantic comedies.

*10 Things I Hate About You* is one of the most iconic rom-coms of all time.

It stars Julia Stiles and Heath Ledger, who passed away years later.

Fans of Ledger always look back on that movie fondly, as it was what prompted him into stardom.

There are a few major scenes that stand out about the movie, one of them being the moment where Patrick sings at the stadium.

It is one of the funniest and sweetest moments of the movie.

Years ago, Julia opened up about a memory that she had of Heath during that scene.

“My favorite memory of that day — the whole day, he was just phenomenal,” Stiles told Andy Cohen.

“I mean, like, running up and down those stadium steps and nobody knew that he had this amazing voice. He just went full out and I got to watch it.”

Obviously, it worked out, because to this day people still talk about that scene.

But then again, we love to praise everything that Heath Ledger did during his movies.

But that's not the only sweet memory that Stiles has of Ledger.

Another one of the movie's stand-out scenes was when Julia's character, Kat, read a Shakespeare-inspired poem in front of her English class.

It is one of the most emotional scenes in the movie, and some of us (like me) can still recite the poem.

If you remember, it started with, "I hate the way you talk to me and the way you cut your hair,"

It ended with, "But mostly I hate the way I don't hate, not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all."

"I remember Heath Ledger was so gracious about the whole thing," she said during an appearance on the *People In The '90s* podcast.

"I appreciate this so much more now having worked more," she said, adding that Heath didn't try to compete with her.

"He stood back and he was like, this is your scene," she added, recalling how her character tears up while reading.

"When they did his reaction shot, he didn't well up. He didn't go, OK, now I have to do something with my side of the camera.'"

Sounds like Heath. Julia had more sweet things to say about his performance as bad boy Patrick Verona.

"He had his amazing moments in the movie, too," she said.

"But he was confident enough even just starting out to be like, I'm handing over the stage to you, and I learned way later in life that doesn't always happen."


Now, we want to hear from you.

What is your favorite Heath Ledger movie? What's your favorite scene from 10 Things I Hate About You?

Let us know down below in the comment section! We would love to hear from you.