Unsplash | Charisse Kenion

Woman Asks BF's Mom To Pay For The Wedding Dress She Ruined, But The Internet Isn't On Her Side

When planning a wedding, many people look to cut corners so they don't have to spend a ton of money on certain things for their wedding.

The whole "something borrowed" thing sometimes resonates a lot with brides and grooms, because they don't want to break the bank. However, not everything always goes as planned either, and people can be pretty angry about it.

One bride recently wrote to Reddit seeking advice over her boyfriend's mother and a dress.

Unsplash | Nathan Dumlao

"I (23) am going to be marrying my BF and the father of my child (20) I know we are young, but this is something we are going into with our eyes open."

"My BF's mom, we'll call her Ella (38), does not approve at all."

Unsplash | Orlova Maria

"I think she is kind of hypocritical because she obviously had my BF young, but she is very wealthy, so her experience is a bit different then ours," the Reddit user shared.

Apparently, Ella had gotten married a few weeks ago and the bride's wedding was also coming up.

Unsplash | Thomas AE

The bride's boyfriend asked his mother if, after her wedding, she could have the dress that Ella wore.

"Ella was going to give me her dress when she was done with it, because she knows as a young couple we have to save money," she wrote.

The bride shared it was a "really nice dress" and Ella was just going to donate it after, anyway.

Unsplash | Bill Oxford

"I've been dieting because she is a bit smaller than me, but I thought with some minor alterations it would work.

I was a little stressed at her wedding, because she kept walking on the very edge of the ocean, but I bit my tongue because it was her wedding day," she wrote.

When Ella finally gave her the dress, the bride was shocked with the state of it.

Unsplash | Tj Holowaychuk

"Ella went on a two week honeymoon and then we saw her the week after she got back. She gave me the dress in a bag and when i took it out it felt weirdly stiff and it smelt. She giggled and said she jumped off of a dock when we left," she added.

The bride was upset with this and with Ella's reaction.

Unsplash | Katy Duclos

The bride said she was "hurt" and that the dress was not only soaked and stained but that Ella also ruined the back because she took it off the wrong way.

When she voiced this, Ella basically said, "too bad."

The bride said she overheard that when they left the wedding, Ella was saying she "hated her" and "didn't want her to wear the dress."

Unsplash | Jeremy Perkins

"Her BFF said she should jump in, and she would jump with her. when confronted Ella just said it was her party and we know she likes to be spontaneous.

I asked her to pay to have the dress professionally cleaned and the top mended. She said she was not going to do that," she said.

She asked Reddit if she was "wrong" for asking Ella to have it cleaned and fixed.

Unsplash | SHAYAN rti

Many said online that this bride was "totally wrong."

"Whether she likes you or not, she doesn't owe you anything." One person wrote, and they didn't stop there.

"She was doing what she wanted on her special day, and had no reason to temper her personality so that you could have a free dress later on."

Unsplash | Victoria Priessnitz

"What she and her friends said makes no difference, and neither does her financial situation. You shouldn't be hanging so much on a possible donation,"

Someone else said the bride has to "get a grip."

"Is this really how you’re starting your marriage? This is a ridiculous situation. Wear something else. She doesn’t like you and gave you the dress although she said she doesn’t want you to wear it." another said.

"That’s ok. Move on."

"Wear something you already have, something you can afford buying or renting, or something someone who actually likes you lets you borrow," another added.

Others said the boyfriend and the bride are both "entitled."

"You and your boyfriend are way too entitled.

You want to play adults and raise a baby but complain that she only pays for his school and won’t give you more money (you are adults)."

"Your boyfriends asks her for her wedding dress because you can’t afford one, she gives it to you even though she doesn’t like you."

Unsplash | Charisse Kenion

"Then you complain about how she wore it and had fun with it."

They finished:

Unsplash | Tom Pumford

"You want to be adults so bad and think you are going in eyes open but all you talk about it how MIL has so much money and you don’t, like you deserve her money," someone added to the thread."

Now, we want to hear from you.

Whose side are you on? What do you think about the whole situation?

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