
29 Moments That Made Us Go ‘Now That’s A Mistake’

Making mistakes is a natural part of life. However, some people have a habit of making slightly more serious mistakes than others!

To prove this, here are 29 moments that made us go "Now that's a mistake," featuring the likes of individuals who don't understand what vents are and the world's worst taxidermists!

Someone Never Got The Memo...

Well, at least they didn't just tarmac over the car, as that would have made for one hell of a bumpy road.

"Boss, can I be in charge of the memorial day sign?"

Wow, tell us how you really feel! I wish that more customer service staff were allowed to express themselves this bluntly.

"I've a feeling Bob has some regrets today!"

Looks like Bob needs to learn some paw-tion control, am I right?!

"I did it boss, I added the door."

I feel like this is a great way to ward off drunk people from coming into your house!

"Cars after freezing rain in Vladivostok, Russia."

Wow, and I thought having to defrost my car's windshield once or twice a year was annoying, I can't imagine living somewhere with "freezing rain"!

That Vent Had One Job...

Why bother actually ventilating a house when you can just use genuine fake vent panels?!

"This guy had Conor McGregor's face tattooed to the back of his head."

You may be wondering why he did this. And, if you're not wondering that, then there is something wrong with you.

"I got stuck behind a draw bridge today...and so did an ambulance."

Now that is some incredibly bad luck, you would have thought that the city would have figured out a way to prevent this sort of thing from happening!

"Yes, it's attached."

I can't actually work out what that is meant to be, or what kind of fur it is made out of for that matter!

"Coming up with a holy name for the new church..."

Another individual suggested that this church should have gone with the catchy name, "Churchy McChurchface."

"Brewed my morning coffee with my mug upside down..."

You'd better get a straw and suck all of that coffee up, as there's no point in letting it go to waste!

"This wheel chair is clearly for higher level beings."

Actually, I think that this means that this is a space reserved specially for Mew.

"Can you figure out what this was supposed to be?"

I think that it might be saying that people are selling bottle-openers in this square? Either that or ET does meditation here.

"Thanks, I hate lions."

Yes, that is genuinely the taxidermy "lion" that was removed for being too terrifying...and I can see why.

"JFK just can't catch a break."

This crossover between JFK and Jared Leto's Joker is not something I ever want to see again.

"Stairs are ready boss."

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't fancy trying to walk up these stairs after a bottle of wine.

"Black and White diagram showing 'colour.'"

This takes me back to being in school and being given terrible-quality black and white handouts while the teacher parades their fancy full-color handout around the place!

"Seems pretty safe..."

I was so preoccupied by how the rolls of carpet were tied down that I didn't even notice the guy riding one like a broomstick!

"Welp, off to heavy metal church."

That is one hell of an intense way to try and get people to come to your church...although, I would be very tempted to go now!

"It is always useful to have a small terrace."

"We have a lovely balcony!"

"Oh, really? Can I see it?"

"Depends, have you ever been bitten by a radioactive spider?"

"That's not where the crane jib goes."

You're going to be there for a while trying to buff that little dent out. It's probably doable though...right?

"They really printed over 1000 books like this."

These things happen, I guess. Although, you'd have to be particularly dense to let something laeke this slip you by!

"Someone ordered fried chicken from a well-known Filipino fast-food and got a fried towel."

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Sometimes it's good to get a bit of extra roughage in your diet as it can help with digestion...although I don't think this is the right kind of roughage.

"At least they tried..."

I actually like this, it's a quite abstract bit of architecture that I could really get on board with.

"Whimsical sign at my local hardware store."

"Hey, can you call me an ambulance?"

"Of course! Are you alright?"

"No, I actually have two complaints now..."

"Now that is how you wear a face mask."

Did this man actually think this is how you wear a mask, or is he just a massive Mermaid Man fan?

"This overly-critical rating system..."

Wow, this may seem like incredibly high standards, but most stores keep their staff to these insane standards...because they're insane.

"A sign at my school office."

It sounds very much like the person who put this up is speaking from a bad experience. I love seeing people walk into glass doors, as I've done it so many times so it's nice to see that there are others like me.

"Where's my spirit level?"

Well, at least now they'll know how straight this is for the rest of time, as they won't be getting that back!