Unsplash | Sara Kurfeß

A Super Easy Way To Save The Bees Is By Letting Our Lawns Grow Out

When it comes to endangered species, one that has taken the headlines and attention of many people is the bees. While some people dislike bees and find them to be a burden, bees actually support the ecosystem in a major way.

The downside is that over the last 20 years, the bee population has decreased about 89%. This has been a huge problem, as bees are the main reason for the production of honey.

While the bee species is declining, there are ways to help keep them around.

Unsplash | Dmitry Grigoriev

Many people look for ways to help the bee population stay around so they can continue to thrive. The last thing we want is for them to go extinct.

There are some easy ways to help and one of them actually takes away a chore that most people don't like to do anyway!

According to new research, keeping your lawn "natural" without mowing it can help.

Unsplash | Daniel Watson

New research published in the journal Biological Conservation recently revealed that bees like lawns that are "not cared for or tended to."

Basically, if you don't mow your lawn, bees will be more attracted to go there and feed.

That doesn't mean to stop mowing altogether.

You can still mow your lawn and keep your home looking nice, but instead of mowing it once a week, you can mow it every two to three weeks.

The research indicates that doing this can increase the bee population by 30%, which is a huge number.

While some find bees to be "annoying," they are important for the ecosystem.

Unsplash | Dustin Humes

While bees produce honey, they also are key in the ecosystem for pollination. Pollination means that they are responsible for making many things in nature grow, such as flowers, trees, and other plants.

This provides food to other species and animals—including humans! Keep the bees alive!

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