Jamie Lee Curtis Shares Pic Of Herself In Underwear To Encourage Fans To Love Their Bodies

If there's one thing I've known to be true my whole life, it's that Jamie Lee Curtis is outstanding in every single way. She is one of the few celebrities who deserves every single ounce of praise and respect the world has given her. She elevates everything she touches and knows what a superstar she is.

Now, the 62-year-old is sharing a body-positive message with fans after Will Smith recently went viral after admitting he was in the "worst shape" of his life.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've most likely seen *that* picture Will Smith posted recently.

Look, even I've seen it, which must tell you something.

The pic shows the 52-year-old shirtless declaring that the pandemic has put him in the worst shape of his life.

"I’m gonna be real wit yall - I’m in the worst shape of my life," the actor posted.

A few days later, he announced he was launching a YouTube channel to get him into the best shape of his life, while fans were still reeling about him ever thinking he wasn't looking totally handsome — which he always is!

Now, Jamie Lee Curtis is promoting her own ode to self love in a post to honor of Will's recent vulnerability.

Sharing an image from her More magazine photoshoot, the 62-year-old wrote a heartfelt message to fans.

The photoshoot, done back in 2002, was rather revolutionary for its time.

Women didn't go on the cover of magazines unedited or unfiltered.

This was a time before Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, and before the body-positive movement was mainstream.

Jamie was 43 at the time she snapped the pic.

"We knew the article was important," said Susan Crandall, editor-in-chief of the magazine at the time.

"But we didn't know how huge it would be. Even a 23-year-old assistant at the Today show, after we were on last week, said that the article made her feel so much better about her body."

When the magazine dropped in September 2002, *Today* interviewer Campbell Brown seemed shocked at Jamie's boldness.

"There is no way I would sit down for a magazine photo shoot with no makeup, no control tops, no wonder bra," Campbell said. "Were you scared at all?"

Jamie replied: "What I'm scared of is that that's what women have become accustomed to needing to feel good about themselves."

"And show business and media and magazines don't help by promoting these images of women that are completely airbrushed, that are completely altered, to then give you, the unsuspecting buyer, this fake sense of that that's what people are supposed to look like."

At the time, the actress had just written her fifth children's book, "I'm Gonna Like Me: Letting Off a Little Self-Esteem."

"I felt that if I'm going to try to promote something where I'm trying to explain self-esteem to children, I needed to live it," she said. "And for me to live it means I need to be the person I look at every morning when I wake up and stand in the mirror, you know, kind of as God intended me to look."

Now, Jamie is bringing that classic photo back as a reminder for fans to love themselves.

"Acceptance of the way things are is the first step to any change. My old MORE @_moremagazine story was both a testament to 'The way things were for me' as well as a way to show the artifice of magazine advertising and air brushing but also a chance to look in the mirror and make some changes."

She went on to say that taking care of your body is important in your self-love journey.

"None of us should be unhealthy. We ALL have fallen into bad habits. The GOAL is self acceptance, self love" she continued.

"Realistic, attainable self acceptance. In recovery we say 'Compare and despair.' As Carl Jung once said 'Nothing changes unless something changes.'"

"MANY people don't have the luxury of oodles of time and money to focus on their training. Mostly it should be a discussion starter."

She concluded: "Happy to be a part of an ongoing conversation."

I love that she's trying to help as many people as she can feel as good as they can while reminding everyone about the importance of self-love!