
14+ People Who Fixed Their Problems In Hilarious Ways

Each problem that we face on a day to day basis can be fixed in a multitude of different ingenious ways.

However, each problem can also be fixed in a wide variety of completely insane ways, some of which will be showcased here! So, please enjoy these 14+ people who fixed their problems in hilarious ways!

"Welcome time traveler, thank you for sharing your futuristic technology with us."

Thank goodness that newspaper pages are really secure and not flammable pieces of material!

"How else was he supposed to reach the top of the chimney?"

This one makes my feet feel like there are a thousand bees under my skin. I cannot look at this any longer, apologies.

"This outrageous steering wheel fix..."

This could only be made even better if the horn plays La Cucaracha, like the car built for Homer.

"One of the best fake IDs I've ever seen."

Yep, that checks out, you really can see how people would fall for this! This is the work of a master criminal.

When You Just Need More Storage Space...

I wonder if they ever managed to get the coin out of it that they had to put in to get this trolley?

"I don't know what to say..."

Maybe they just couldn't be bothered filling up a jerry can so just decided to take the whole pump? It's much more simple!

"Finally something to do with an old CD rack: a ramen holder."

I can imagine after seeing this idea that there will be loads of students buying up old CD racks for their inevitable mounds of instant noodles.

Gotta Do What You Gotta Do...

I can't say that I'd be too keen to be stuck on a road behind this guy. Although, those orange straps can apparently secure anything!

"How can I have people think I'm mildly interesting and a psychopath...?"

The thought of someone running this through their hair is really going through me. I could never have this in my house let alone in my hair.

"Just Planting Trees..."

But, why does he even need to be on there? Is this necessary or is he just doing this because he likes tree surfing?

"Made a shoe out of shotgun shells I picked up camping."

I cannot imagine this would be comfortable. The person who made these added, "I can put [it] on but the clay pigeon outsole would probably break in one step."

"Superb job!"

I cannot imagine how stressful it would be to be a dog sleeping in that little hut while people were running up and down those stairs!

"Husband's bedside cup holder."

Someone really needs to buy this poor guy a damn bedside table! I feel like that isn't too big of a purchase!?

"That look when you forget to devein your glasses."

Have you always wanted to be able to wear your love of shellfish? Then this is the look for strange, strange person!

"Upgraded the A/C!"

Look, nobody wants to be driving around in a boiling truck. This just seems like a needlessly convoluted fix.

"At least it's...unique?"

Look, if there is one thing that I know about cars, it's that big wooden spoilers, bins on the back, and spray paint all make a car cooler and faster. That's just a fact.

"Found this hanging in the closet of my new house."

You can use zip-ties for absolutely anything. I mean, I wouldn't recommend using them for "anything" though.

"How long do you suppose this replacement door handle will last?"

This feels like something that you would do as a quick fix and then never actually get round to replacing it until years later.

"My grandad's been bending spoons to rest on the sides of pots since before I was born (would recommend doing)."

So, I'm going to go right ahead and assume that this person's grandfather is Uri Geller.

"Well, duh."

Well, who wouldn't want to be doing that? It's a God damn piece of cinematic perfection!