Twitter | @KayaJones

Hong Kong Protesters Wave American Flags And Sing Anthem In Powerful Video

It's been 10 weeks of large scale protests in Hong Kong and it can be hard to understand the complex nature of the movement, especially when China is trying to control the message.

That's why on the ground videos, like this one that went viral after being shared on Twitter are so important.

The catalyst was an extradition bill that would have sent Hong Kong criminals to mainland China for trial.

This angered Hong Kongers, because though they have been part of China since 1997, they've maintained many of the freedoms and institutions built during their 150 years as a British territory.

As such, their legal system focuses on due process and transparency, something protesters argued alleged criminals wouldn't receive in the mainland courts.

This was seen as another sign of China encroaching on Hong Kong's freedoms.


The territory's "Basic Law" acts like a constitution and is supposed to ensure that Hong Kongers' rights are maintained for 50 years following the handover from Britain to China.

Though the extradition bill was shelved, protests continued against the encroachment of China on Hong Kong's freedoms.

Considering the size and length of the protests, they have been remarkably civil, but the number of isolated incidents of violence have begun to increase as tensions and patience fray.

Most recently, protests have been staged at the International Airport, grounding flights and returning the world's attention to the island.

This has renewed questions about what the protesters actually want.

Which is likely why the video shared on Twitter by @KayaJones struck such a nerve.

Twitter | @KayaJones

In the video, masked protesters are singing the American National Anthem while proudly waving the American Flag.

This may strike you as odd, since they are not American or even trying to become American.

But despite how you may feel about the current political culture of the U.S., the country is still seen as the ultimate example of a people rising up against an outside ruling force and winning their right to govern themselves.

And that sends a clear message to those asking what they want.

h/t: CNN