Bath & Body Works

Bath & Body Works' Spooky Scented Candles Are A Halloween Treat For Your Home

During the spooky season, candles aren't just for jack o'lanterns.

Okay, they're mostly for jack o'lanterns. But when you want to set a mood — and you definitely want to get in the Halloween spirit, right? — you can't forget about scents as well as sights and sounds.

You know what that means: scented candles.

To help us get in a trick-or-treating state of mind, Bath & Body Works is now stocking some spooky scented candles.

These three-wick candles will fill your house up with non-disgusting Halloween-y odors for up to 45 hours each, and as a bonus, when they're done, they leave jars with some pretty cool designs behind.

Just check out their Vampire Blood candle.

Bath & Body Works

I know what you're thinking: what does vampire blood even smell like? According to the website, it's a blend of blood red strawberries, midnight blooming jasmine, and dark Transylvanian plum.

Ghoul Friend sounds like it would have the potential to be kind of nasty.

Bath & Body Works

But its scent profile isn't anything to be scared of: dark strawberries, ghostly peony, and spine chilling citrus.

And it wouldn't be Halloween without some pumpkin spice goodness, too.

Bath & Body Works

Which is where the Purrfect Pumpkin candle comes in, with scents of pumpkin, black cat's clove, ghostly vanilla, and batty brown sugar.

Each candle retails for $24.50, although you can probably get a decent coupon through their emails.

Check out the whole lineup right here.