Um, Leonardo DiCaprio Actually Set People In Fire On 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood'

If there's one thing that's true in life: it's that Tarantino movies are the bomb.

Snappy dialogue, lots of comedy and drama, then finally, a whole boatload of violence.



Listen, I've been dying to talk about this movie to anyone and anything since I saw it on opening night, so I'm going to get into it.

The life of a freelance writer is a lonely one, so I'll share some feelings with you, my readers.



If you haven't seen the movie yet (and come on, it's been out for a week, get to it pal) then you shouldn't read this article.

Unless you don't mind it being spoiled.

Are they gone?



Wow, what an awesome movie! One of Tarantino's most memorable, that's for sure. It had everything you could want in a Tarantino movie, curse words, violence, long shots where he focused on feet...

Margot Robbie was a blast during this film.


She was fun, she was bubbly and of course, she showed off her feet in that theatre scene. Oh... gosh darn it, Quentin!

That's quite enough of that, mister!



Maybe not that last one (I know what that's about Quentin, but maybe keep it to yourself and don't shove it in every movie you make) but still, the movie was cool.

But without a doubt, the coolest character in the movie was Brad Pitt's Cliff Booth.


He was calm, collected and one of the most kick-butt characters I've seen put to film in a while.

Leo was, of course, great, playing the tragic flameout that is Rick Dalton.


His emotions were all over the place constantly, which was a fun rollercoaster ride to watch and see.

There were a lot of memorable moments too, not just performances.


Of course, that little bit of historical revisionism at the end was awesome, the moment where Brad Pitt kills his wife was cool...

But one moment stands out above the rest, at least in my opinion.


And that's at the end when Rick Dalton toasts that Manson girl with the huge freaking flamethrower.

I found myself yelling at Leo at that moment.

Speaking of which...


Apparently, Leo wasn't all that comfortable using the flamethrower.

However, there was another scene where he used the deadly and awesome weapon...

In what I can only assume was an homage to Inglorious Basterds.


Rick Dalton does a movie where he torches Nazis with a flamethrower.

Sounds cool, I know, unless of course...

You're Leo Dicaprio.


The man who had to do the actual flamethrowing.

He's a gentle soul in real life, so according to stunt coordinator Robert Alonzo, he was a little off-put by the idea.



Our resident stunt coordinator and cool guy Robert Alonzo acknowledges that fact:

"That is psychologically difficult to do, so kudos to him on being able to stay in character and do that scene."

What would you do?


I'm genuinely curious to know if you'd have it in you to keep a flamethrower on a bunch of stunt doubles for eight seconds.

Pretty much I'm asking if you're better than Leo DiCaprio.

I mean...


Burning four people alive isn't cool for anyone (unless you're part of the Manson family) especially someone as nice and gentle as Leonardo DiCaprio.

But, there's a reason he's the best actor alive.