24 Times People Should Have Paid More Attention

Nobody stays focused all the time.

Even if you're running full tilt at what you want, it only takes one person to suddenly yell your name before you end up face-to-face with a pole.

And that's just when you're actually alert. It takes some Herculean effort for you to not put your toast in the dishwasher after a bad night's sleep.

So, we can understand what happened to these folks, but we'll still laugh at them.

1. This may not seem like anyone's fault, but let's put it this way.

Instagram | @wot_u_sayin_tho

None of these people are dressed as the same number, so they must have coordinated which one they would be beforehand.

And that's not a question where "Oh, just pepperoni" is a valid answer.

2. I don't know if these people aren't paying attention now, but they definitely weren't back in math class.

Instagram | @wot_u_sayin_tho

Whether you learned it as PEMDAS or BEDMAS, there's a whole system in place to make sure we don't do stuff like this.

Nice one, education system.

3. Yikes, I almost can't blame people for accidentally drinking this. These people have to know what their can looks like.

Instagram | @tank.sinatra

Not to mention, I'd be shocked if there wasn't already an energy drink called "Turbo." Somebody's playing a dangerous game with this one.

4. You know, I have to give this person credit for just holding their L and moving on.

Instagram | @tank.sinatra

I'd scoop that stuff out of there before it melts, though. Otherwise, that drive home is about to get super uncomfortable.

It's time to start thinking smart.

5. Aww, it's too bad that "synonym" isn't actually a synonym for cinnamon, or else this person wouldn't have been clowned on.

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

I'm not sure what I'd think of a world where that makes any sense, though.

Anyway, always proofread your posts, kids.

6. It's not just your grammar you have to watch out here, either. People on Twitter will notice everything.

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

So if you really don't want to explain your secret purpose for the leftover milk, learn from this woman's situation and watch your background.

7. Haha, I guess it's not hard to see why these guys thought they just met Mike Tyson.

Reddit | CtrlDaltDelete

That is, unless he didn't have Tyson's lisp and didn't answer to the name at all. Then we can only shake our heads at them.

8. Yeah, it's a shame that a lot of the coolest ideas always have a really unfortunate downside.

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

But of course, that little flaw is always so easy to miss when we're rushing towards the awesome thing.

It's like Jurassic Park all over again. Same power outage, too.

9. Uh...wow. If there was ever a time to put the camera down and help, this was probably it.

Instagram | Instagram

Hmm, I suppose that would rob this kid of a chance to show what a champ he is in that last picture, though. I'm torn.

10. Apparently, a guy opened the glass door on his TV, forgot about it, and we can fill in the blanks from there.

Reddit | deckpumps_n_deldos

It's a very common tale. And it's the type of memory that makes you say "same" whenever a bird hits your window.

11. Well, whoever did this is obviously very passionate about their message here.

Instagram | @nochill

It looks like they're a little too passionate, though. I have a feeling that getting the "marilize leguana" bill to pass would be an uphill battle, even before they shut the government down.

12. Yeah, that suspicious cracking sound was obviously more of a big deal than this person thought.

Reddit | Harspin

Walking back over those tracks must have been painful for them. I'm no survival expert, but I think there's a lot of regret in those footprints...

13. Obviously, the thrill of tearing down the sidewalk on this thing blinded our young friend to a lot of warning signs.

Reddit | AmeliaJanus

Either that, or they gambled on the old "Oh, I'm sure it's dry by now," and lost big. Sadly, we may never know.

14. Sometimes, it's not just one person who gets caught slippin'. It's everybody.

Reddit | erinjoy_getsitdone

I can try to blame the weird font, but that excuse rings hollow even as I'm thinking it. If they hadn't pointed that out, I wouldn't have noticed.

15. Haha, I guess we can't really blame this person for not noticing that it's Han Solo in only a split second.

Instagram | @meme.w0rld

If there's actually a person hiding behind this life-size cutout, it wouldn't be long before they found themselves running down the street screaming "It's a prank, bro!"

16. Ooh, remember what I said about proofreading your posts? Yeah, that goes double if this number is involved in any way. 

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

Don't make this poor man's mistake. I'm sure that winning smile of his got real uncomfortable really fast when he had to explain this one.

17. If one of your friends hits you with the circle game, stay alert at all times, or this might happen to you.

Instagram | @ickyhoesay

Some folks can apparently find a way to turn anything into a sucker punch trap.

Seriously, how much practice did that take? Crazy...

18. This person doesn't have to worry, because I think it's safe to say that this happens to the best of us.

Reddit | jay501

Yeah, our collective hatred for stickers on fruit isn't just about them being annoying to peel off.

Now you know the rest of the story.

19. After such a stunning betrayal, this mom is definitely not gonna relax when her kids' phones come out. 

Instagram | @will_ent

I'm not sure what she thinks happens on a Snap story, but it must be pretty nightmarish if this was her reaction.

20. Yeah, did this person accomplish this in one try or what?

Instagram | @memelif3

If they kept stabbing the straw into it, then I can understand the embarrassment. Otherwise, I think this basically means you get to tell the lid what kind of lid it is.

21. This one is always a classic mistake, but I'm curious to see how long it takes before they even notice.

Reddit | jerrodkapaun8888

They might see the pump by the time they come back, but I'm hoping they make it all the way to the next day.

22. Shout-out for trying to cover the wear and tear, but I think there was a slight flaw in grandpa's plan here.

Instagram | @missmemeaholic

And if there aren't any kids in this house, it's not even like they have a convenient excuse for what happened.

23. Oof. Yeah, this just seems like it's designed to cause as many accidents as possible. 

Instagram | @will_ent

Even Indiana Jones would probably pass on getting these installed. Just because he can climb them, that doesn't mean he'd want to.

24. I'd hate to call the box a liar, because talking to inanimate objects isn't healthy, but I'm only seeing a bunch of orange here.

Instagram | @highfiveexpert

I'm not even sure how you'd make a mistake like this. Are there 63 boxes out there with no orange crayons?