14+ People Who Didn't Even Know They Had A Problem

They say that ignorance is bliss, but most of the time, anyone who reminds us of that saying is either ignoring something they should probably worry about or is about to get blindsided by it.

Regardless of whether the person who hit the big red button walks away whistling or cringes and waits for alarms, whatever they blew up is still gonna blow up.

And if they go through what these people just did, that might actually matter to them.

1. I'll definitely give the baby credit for not crying about this, but I get the feeling this is more for the parents than for them.

Reddit | zivinkxter

The last time I saw someone get that look on their face when the turtles showed up, it was the Shredder.

2. I'm not sure who's having a harder time realizing the trouble they're in. Is it whoever approaches these, or whoever put the sign there?

Reddit | inkzillathevampsquid

Some people may get their hopes dashed once they read the sign, but we already know how many people would ignore it.

3. Ah, yes. This is a very common tale. And since there's no dog poking out, the driver probably doesn't even know they're in it.

Reddit | Reddit

They might even read The Ballad of the Drenched Driver and think,"Ha, what a bonehead" until it's too late.

4. Whatever they're playing must qualify as the game of the century if literally none of them notice or care about the approaching flood.

Reddit | mrclmgs

I think someone added that giant, colorful arrow out of hopeless frustration, but they'll have to accept that the game won't stop.

5. Apparently, somebody's kid tore all the labels off these cans, so this family's gonna eat mystery dinners for a while.

Reddit | Ilikeredd1t

I suppose that technically, they still don't know they have a problem until they open a couple. Maybe the flavors will go well together? Here's hoping.

6. Well, unlike a lot of the people on this list, this girl can say she has a very good reason not to notice her problem here.

Reddit | 0dd1ty_

And that's because somebody obviously Photoshopped her into this picture and she's probably in a bathroom somewhere.

7. If these people screamed "fake news" at the TV during reports of this massive flood, I could at least understand it without face-palming.

Reddit | READlbetweenl

Which definitely puts them ahead of my relatives last Thanksgiving. And hey, depending on how well this holds, maybe they don't have a problem.

8. As much as I'd love to blame this atrocity on Arizona's unforgiving heat, these people were just unlucky enough to park near a fire.

Instagram | @bruhifunny

Which might give them some perspective when they come out and see what just happened to their rides?

Nah, too much sobbing.

9. Honestly, I'm surprised Rachel here even got her drink because there's no way anyone pronounced her name right when it was spelled like this.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I'm just wondering how many awkward stabs at "Ray ail" it took before she finally put them out of their misery.

10. I guess it's hard to know you've got a problem when you can only see it as another sales opportunity.

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

"The kitchen has mice? You mean we got enough to fill a 10-pound bag for free? I smell profits, folks!"

11. I don't think we'll ever know how this happened, but I think it's safe to say the driver didn't guess this one right on the first try.

Instagram | @bruhifunny

Sure, they knew they had a problem, but their diagnosis probably wasn't, "The laws of physics have failed us."

12. Oof, it's gotta suck when the bugs pick your car and only your car as their new kingdom.

Reddit | ZombieDracula

That has to be one of the only times where you'd wish your car was just a little duller and uglier. These aren't the heads you wanna turn.

13. You could argue this is a demonstration, but do they usually hold those in front of random apartment buildings?

Reddit | 134282

OK, fine. I want to believe someone parked like a jerk and this lady wanted to send a bigger message than leaving a stern note behind.

14. Even if the neighbors ever noticed these were missing, I kinda doubt they'll be too mad when they got them back.

Instagram | @tinpun

They look pretty clean, which means that they had this much laundry done for them. Being surprised with your own stolen clothes sounds oddly convenient.

15. I know which option we all want to be true, but I don't think it takes a genius to figure out which one's more likely. 

Instagram | @x__antisocial_butterfly__x

And no, you wouldn't be the only one who keeps checking this window for more little baby Groots.

Keep hope alive.

16. Some of you might be scared for the seagull, but it only takes one look in its eyes to figure out who started this fight.

Reddit | iliketoswimwithnemo

Still, this lady must be tough to go from relaxing on the patio to this, while only seeming mildly freaked out.

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