Instagram | @amyschumer

It's Time To Admit That Amy Schumer Doesn't Deserve The Hate She Gets

Okay you guys, it's time we have a chat.

We all know that Amy Schumer keeps it real online, and with that, comes a lot of hate from internet strangers, but is it deserved?

Not really, and here's why.

Amy Schumer has kept it REAL.

Instagram | @amyschumer

Throughout her pregnancy, she posted a lot of the not so fun updates for fans.

Sure, we all had to witness the glory that was vomiting into a bag.

Instagram | @amyschumer

And I get it, nobody likes that sight...or sound.

But honestly, it was a great eye-opener for those who don't know what it's like to have Hyperemesis Gravidarum.

Instagram | @amyschumer

Hint: it sucks.

And for the record: being the mother of a newborn is not all that Hollywood makes it out to be.

Instagram | @amyschumer

And Amy has used her platform time and time again to show what it's really like.

Exhibit A: Pumping.

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A lot of people really don't like to see that women pump, simply because it's a natural thing, and "why broadcast it?"

But sadly, we live in a world where pumping and breast feeding isn't seen as "normal".

Instagram | @amyschumer

Enter Amy Schumer and other celebs who use their platform to normalize something that yes, women STILL get shamed for doing.

She also proved that women can go back to work whenever they decide to after pregnancy.

Instagram | @amyschumer

Amy was back doing stand up just two weeks after giving birth to her son, even though people gave her a ton of crap for doing so. She knew what she was capable of and got it done!

Amy never takes it lying down.

Instagram | @amyschumer

Every time the mom-shamers of the Internet come swinging for her, Amy always swings back, and she's definitely a lot funnier than they are.

But despite her refreshing honesty, she still gets all the hate.

Instagram | @amyschumer

And why? Because she's honest?

We should be applauding her!

People are constantly going out of their way to comment on her for literally no good reason.

I meaaannnn...

And sure, her comedy may not be everybody's cup of tea.

But that's just how it is with comedians.

But how can anyone sit there and say that she isn't funny?

The woman has jokes! It's okay to laugh!

She's also definitely not afraid to speak her mind.

Instagram | @amyschumer

She knows she's got a voice, and she knows how to use it. When it came time to announce her pregnancy, she didn't do it with balloons or cutesy signs like everyone else. She shared a list of who she was voting for in the midterm elections.

And threw in her announcement right at the end.

Instagram | @amyschumer

Not only was she guaranteeing more views on this important list, she made sure this exact list of who to vote for during the midterms would end up on the news. Genius.

So let's just say that it's okay not to like people.

Instagram | @amyschumer

But it's not okay to spread the kind of hate to the level that Amy receives.

Pro tip: It's okay to let other people enjoy things that you don't enjoy yourself. What do you say?