Unsplash | Susan Holt Simpson

10+ Terrible Toys Designs That Are Creepy And Funny At The Same Time

Children's toys have come a long way since I was a kid. And there are so many more choices than ever before. So it's pretty surprising that there still are really awful and questionable toys out there.

If you check out these designs below you'll know exactly what I mean.

1. Crappy Water Gun

Reddit | enterthedragonpunch

Not only this water gun resembles a real gun, but it's also terribly designed. No way this thing can actually hold water.

2. This Ain't Dino

Reddit | gurjatron

This looks like some kind of a monster out of a really bad children's cartoon rather than an actual dinosaur. LOL! Made in China? I bet.

3. Pull My Finger

Reddit | MitchFitch

Somehow no matter how I look at this playground I see some trouble here. I wouldn't feel right letting my kid pay here. Would you?

4. Target Getting Balsy

Reddit | surelyucantbserious

Hmm, I didn't really expect to find this very anatomically-correct toy horse at Target. Is this a new line of toys I haven't heard of?

5. Where's The Mouth?

Reddit | TruffleToast

I think someone really rushed to get this toy out of the factory assembly line that they actually forgot to give it a mouth. So sad!

6. Where's The Switch?

Reddit | u/Infestrus

Talking about a rush job. This very handy toy car controller has on/off labels but no switch. How if the world can you play with this?

7. Quite Disturbing

Reddit | Mouthmouthmouth

Wow, if this toy bear ball launcher won't give you nightmares you should consider yourself pretty lucky. What psychopath would give this to a kid?

8. Cute Plush Toy?

Reddit | u/anti_link

Who in their right mind would actually think of this, whatever this is supposed to be as cute? Does that resemble a pig's hoof? Yuck!

9. Winnie The Teeth

Reddit | pheromonekvlt

And I thought kids were already scared enough to go to the dentist! Imagine taking your kid here and getting him scarred for life?

10. Try Me!

Reddit | Elephantmenstruation

Speaking of weird expressions, this doll either looks pretty drunk or extremely pissed off. And I dunno which one of these is better. But try her!

11. Designed By Satan

Reddit | zly-wplyw

"The louder you yell, the faster they go." Really? That's the kind of toy you really want to get your kids? Perhaps the neighbors' kids, eh?

12. Bread Poop


Is it just me or does this supposed fake piece of bread look more like poop or what? This is just not that appetizing to me.

13. Real Life Expressions Doll

Reddit | /KikiHatesYou

If you even think this doll's expressions are what real expressions are really like you're more disturbed than I thought. This is crazy!

I dunno if it's just me but I think people who design children's toys should take a few extra moments to think before they execute their designs.

The kids deserve better!

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