Titanic II On Schedule To Sail By 2022 And What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

The sinking of the Titanic in 1912 has always fascinated people, and its popularity only increased after the blockbuster movie came out in the '90s.

For the record, I saw Titanic four times in the theater and still tense up as though I need to change to the next VHS tape right before Cal hits Rose even though I upgraded to DVDs nearly two decades ago.

I'm sure I don't need to summarize what happened to the ship.

Part of what's made the accident stick out in history is how much of it could have been avoided if hubris hadn't been the main fuel behind the entire event.

They were already jinxing it with the marketing.

Blue Star Line

"Unsinkable," "fastest ship ever," etc.

And then they decided that they had to prove it, which still wouldn't have resulted in as bad a disaster if the White Star Line had, you know, planned properly for emergencies.

You know the only reason a bunch of rich people in the 21st Century would want to try again? Hubris.

Blue Star Line

Because, yes, Titanic II is planned for a 2022 launch, following the exact same route as the original. It'll also be as close to identical as it can be while being, you know, safe.

The project is helmed by Australian businessman Clive Palmer.

Blue Star Line

Technically, the project was first announced in 2012, but not much had been completed besides the planning stage before money troubles shut it down in 2015.

It's apparently back on track now, though.

If I sound less than convinced, you should be too.

Blue Star Line

This is the third financial delay for the project and communication about progress is pretty much non-existent.

Though their technical specs video has plenty of 3D models, there's no actual footage.

Actually, can I take a moment to appreciate how delightfully bad these examples are?

Blue Star Line

The actors appear to be floating in empty space on the CGI backdrop and this guy in the Smoking Room is wearing the worst fake moustache this side of Party City.

You'll be happy to know that there are modern lifeboats planned.

Blue Star Line

I did the math and 18 lifeboats holding 250 each is 4,500 people. That's about double the number the ship supports, so yay!

Assuming they fill the boats to capacity, of course.

So what do you think?

If the ship is ever actually completed, would you be willing to risk its maiden voyage just to say you did?

I don't think I'd have the nerve.