12+ Uplifting Pics We Sure Needed Today

A day doesn't get off the starting line without coffee, but it's the sunshine that brings out the smiles in us, right? At least some metaphorical sunshine, if nothing else.

Because let me tell you, when I open up any social media and just see complaints and whining and bad news, I want to go right back to bed.

So, seeing good people being nice to each other is just plain necessary. And it's always welcome in my house!

1. One wife was determined to make her husband's 30th birthday a good one when he was feeling down because most of his friends couldn't be there to celebrate.

Reddit | Reddit

She put out a request for cards to friends and folks on Reddit, and he ended up with 54 cards and a bunch of balloons on his birthday.

2. A bunch of sea turtles born near a beach's parking lot got confused by lights in the area and were headed away from the water until some kind locals intervened.

Reddit | toadstoolsupreme

They called their local conservation authorities before relocating the little guys closer to the ocean.

3. This guy saved a great horned owl from a barbed wire fence.

Reddit | Architecttt

Looks like the poor owl cut up one of its talons pretty badly, but it's expected to make a full recovery.

4. When someone forgot their keys on a park bench, the person who found them dropped them off at a local convenience store and left a note saying so.

Reddit | Manlad

Now here's hoping that whoever lost the keys knows where they last had them!

5. After several recent, random animal rescues, including two involving young deer, this guy helped a baby bird out of one of his window wells.

Reddit | Dalo600

"I guess this is my life now," he wrote.

6. During a heat wave, this hardware store in Germany put out  a poster encouraging customers to bring their dogs into the store rather than leaving them in hot cars.

Reddit | McPebbster

Gotta take care of the pooches!

7. In India, a pair on a scooter gave some help to a handicapped person who was having some trouble in the rain.

Twitter | @daipayanhalder

A great gesture — next step, get these guys some helmets.

8. This laundry service goes out of its way to help the unemployed, offering to clean an outfit needed for an interview for free.

Reddit | You_Already_Know_Fam

You never know, that could be the difference-maker for some folks!

9. This driver knows their ride isn't the quickest off the mark, so to prevent any undue road rage, they put a note on the back to alert other drivers.

Reddit | bluemagnum44

Keeping the roads as friendly as possible!

10. "My daughter who has ASD received straight Ds on her report today," wrote @ShaneJacks on Twitter. "She cried and said, 'I've let everyone down.'"

Twitter | @ShaneJacks

"This is my report card for her."

11. When his friend was embarrassed about going to the gym, this guy decided to go with him, but in costume, to take some of the attention away.

Reddit | multipokiop

Now that's a good friend!

12. When storm clouds threatened, someone put an umbrella over this car's open sunroof to keep the interior nice and dry.

Reddit | broundgeef

You have to wonder if they ever got their umbrella back, or if they were fine leaving it there.

13. Likewise, someone decided to protect this convertible from debris falling from the trees above using a patio umbrella.

Reddit | Chaseraph

Probably kept the interior nice and cool with the sun beaming down, too.

14. The guy on the left is a 6'6" army vet. He's helping a little old lady carry her groceries in.

Reddit | prelawtx86

"I wanted to post this to showcase him helping people, even though he never tells others about it or posts it on social media," his friend wrote on Reddit.

15. When a man was injured in an accident on a rainy street, a kind stranger came over to hold an umbrella over him while waiting for paramedics to arrive.

Reddit | Haarif

16. When only one person responded out of 70 invitations to a birthday for a kid with autism, the boy's mom started a Facebook event for bikers because her son loves motorcycles.

Reddit | Economy_Cactus

This is the turnout from that event.

17. This poor little hairless hamster was abandoned at a shelter, so while it awaits a new home, it was given a sweater to keep it warm.

Reddit | Munipenny

And looking as adorable as that, it shouldn't have to wait much longer for a new home.

18. In Britain, this concerned teenager wrote more than 40 heartfelt notes for people in crisis and stuck them to the railings of a bridge.

Reddit | Reddit

So far, police believe her notes have saved the lives of six people.

19. This is a lineup of fire trucks in Poland before they head out to help with a nasty outbreak of more than 50 wildfires in Sweden.

Reddit | Reddit

Poland is sending 139 firefighters and 44 trucks in all to help Sweden.

20. These volunteers aren't waiting around for people in need to come to them. 

Reddit | Slickj80

They're out and about, hauling a wagon full of food, looking for homeless people who need a meal.

21. He's not exactly a man in uniform, but this guy dressed as a green Army man has the right attitude all the same, holding an umbrella for a woman in the rain.

Reddit | nomadofwaves

22. This poor pooch was getting stressed out on a trip to the vet because he was unable to see out the windows, so this boy lifted him up to window height.

Reddit | Noelle305

And for those concerned, the poster says this was a one-time exception for no seat belts for a short trip to comfort the dog.

23. "My mom just gave me this acrylic painting for my birthday," wrote aveces_no on Reddit. "It took her weeks to finish, but the result is amazing. Thanks mom!"

Reddit | aveces_no

What an awesome gift!

24. Every restaurant or business that puts out water bowls for dogs on hot days is doing something right.

Reddit | Th3AlmightySp00k

And this place that threw in a bowl of treats as well just became legendary.