24 Pics That'll Make You Say 'Yep, Same'

We all love a good, relatable meme, so I've got 24 for you!

I basically went through this article and thought, "Okay, I'm a 23-year-old single broke millennial, so I'm kind of describing every single person I know." And now here we are!

1. Honestly, wow, thank you so much.

Twitter | @DaOBeeZY

You guys, it's literally the best thing ever because now we can wait out a couple more days (or weeks, if we ration it out properly) before we have to go do laundry again!

2. Okay, hear me out. I'm usually an honest person, but this thing recognizes your actual face... So, I'm sorry my friend.

Twitter | @ascaniospread

It also costs like four months' rent, and I could, like, really use that money... So anyway, my point is, STOP CALLING ME, BOO BOO.

3. So I just sit there, politely smiling while in my head I'm screaming at the top of my lungs and pulling out my hair. 

Twitter | @hoodopulence

Good thing we're doing this over drinks, because I need to relax myself and let it go.

4. Every. Freaking. Time. 

Twitter | @reemalhosanix

Why are we all like this? I mean, we're literally just about to start dreaming when we got that text, but we're too nosey to not know what that person wants from us.

5. We all lie on our résumés, it's like one of the core things that make us millennials. 

Twitter | @ricardojkay

I literally wrote I had 15 years of relevant job experience right after I graduated college to get this job. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

6. "I'm just like, so sleepy lately! Like, these naps have been out-of-this-world long, hahaha!!!!" 

Twitter | @mario_xcx

This, followed by an insincere smile and hoping they at least love us enough to let this one pass. Oops!

7. This just ruined my childhood and will probably pop up again as a scary monster in all my future dreams.

Instagram | 3.1415926535897932384626433832

And it makes so much sense, this dude has been around for ages so it must show on his hairline.

8. Why does this sum up every single restaurant experience I've ever had?

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

Honestly, nothing gets me more than half-price appetizers or free garlic bread and salad, so I may be about to rip my jeans open, but I refuse to say no to food.

9. Move over Gordon Ramsay, I found a new hilarious British chef for all my self-deprecating jokes.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

As iconic as the "I'm a stupid sandwich" scene from Gordon Ramsay is, this may be my new favorite.

10. The FBI agent watching me through my computer must've been pissed.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

I take pride knowing that our FBI agents have seen all the embarrassing things we've done online, so in the grand scheme of things, he or she is gonna let this one go.

11. This just took me back to so many traumatic childhood whoopins.... I can't.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

I always got in trouble for eating my dad's leftovers, and from all the fights I have with my roommate, I can confirm that some habits never die, even after ass whoopins.

12. It's a cycle that never ends, AM I RIGHT.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

Little Plankton's nerves are particularly triggering for me because I feel like they pop up all over my head and I CAN'T STOP THEM.

13. Honestly, I didn't ask for any of this and y'all are just rude for putting me through this.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

I think about this a lot, actually, because imagine how nice it'd be to be a duck?

14. That little yodeling kid has haunted me for the last month.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

And whenever I need to focus, my brain just starts reminding me of those noises and BAM! Productivity is cancelled.

15. Wait... What do you mean this isn't a... Okay, never mind.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

I'm a monster, you're a monster, we're all monsters for thinking this. But COME ON, I'm always thinking of food so you can't totally blame me for coming to this conclusion.

16. Oh wow, I didn't know I needed to try something out so badly.

Instagram | @sinnerhoe

2018 is the year of unapologetically following our hearts and doing what makes us happy, so yes, we're doing this.

17. I just want to be carried around like a princess, okay?

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

Oh, wow, I sure do miss this because being an adult who does this just means I get a cup of cold water thrown at my face to wake me up.

18. Like, I feel bad for y'all, but this presentation is worth 70% of our final mark, and I need a 160% on it to pass the class.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

Gotta look out for ourselves in this economy, okay?!

19. A tweet that sums up my entire dating life since I hit puberty.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

It's just sad because we never learn from our mistakes, even when we know it's trouble right from the start.

20. Honestly, sign me up for this funeral too, sis.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

This just looks like a picture from the high school parties I never got invited to, and honestly, I survived without ever going to one.

21. It's all about the attitude, really.

Instagram | @3.1415926535897932384626433832

Little life tip for y'all: Getting dressed, looking cute, and pretending like you actually know what you're talking about are way more important than what you're actually talking about.

22. And let's be real, we are all the girl on the left.

Instagram | @tampons

Honestly, I can't even be the girl on the left because I'm not that flexible with my leg. Like, I'd literally dislocate my hip if I tried that.

23. Imagine being able to pull off this optical illusion so well...

Instagram | @ozarayau

I mean, what's it like to be cute on any kind of social media? I don't know, I can't relate.

24. "I mean, this color is so cute and I really wanna get my money's worth, but dammit!"

Instagram | @sinnerhoe

Because manicures aren't cheap, y'all, but this hair is just a whole other situation... UGH.

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