13+ Satisfying Pics To Brighten Up A Rough Week

It's been a rough week — and it's only Tuesday! — so let's take a break from celebrity gossip and people doing stupid things on the internet for a second.

Just a short one, though! These days you're out of the loop for five minutes and then suddenly all of Game of Thrones is spoiled for you.

So, take a few moments to breathe and enjoy the satisfaction of these pics.

1. Is this the most efficient way for a Roomba to cover a room? Nope, but it sure is satisfying. 

Reddit | kps90

It's like the spiral of red and yellow bricks in The Wizard of Oz! Has there ever been an answer to where the red brick road led?

2. A lot of tiling jobs are done poorly enough to make me twitch, but this shows attention to detail.

Reddit | colbranflakes

Is it 100% perfect? No, but that's asking a lot when you're having to cut so many tiles to match a curve like this. Very satisfying.

3. The pleasing pattern on a freshly mowed lawn is almost satisfying enough to make me happy to cut the grass.

Reddit | NameShortage

Almost. My general distaste for heat and sunlight kind of cancels that out. But these stripes are the sign of a job well done, and I can enjoy them through the window while cooling off.

4. The pattern made by these soap bubbles is oddly satisfying. 

Reddit | DarthTater22

Clearly, the thing to do is just leave them to be beautiful and stop worrying about the dishes hidden below the bubble layer. Just pretend you're giving them time for a good soak.

5. How could anyone bring themselves to take a sip from this hot chocolate?

Reddit | PosSharp

When it comes to marshmallows, I can take 'em or leave 'em, but I can't deny how beautifully the single candy cloud sinks into the chocolatey goodness here.

6. My pantry will never look this good.

Reddit | ockhamsgillette

I mean, I'm not a slob and I try to keep things in their proper, logical places, but there is an attention to detail here that I lack. Everything lines up!

7. These study notes are a thing of beauty.

Reddit | ecky--ptang-zooboing

Not just the crisp, neat handwriting or the color-coding, but the diagrams are so neatly done, too! My notes were always thorough, but never this neat.

8. This kind of fits under both the oddly satisfying and mildly irritating categories at the same time.

Reddit | aviv_yona

On one hand, look how perfectly the one box fits inside the other. It's a thing of beauty! On the other hand, one doesn't appreciate opening a package just to find a second package inside.

9. The water pouring from this faucet is too perfect for words. 

Reddit | chris-styles123

No random drips from the mouth of the faucet, no break in the flow, and the refraction is in a lovely spiral.

10. A little bit OCD? Maybe, but definitely satisfying.

Twitter | @CiroMorod

The fact that the clothes are hanging from a house with such character just adds to it. Not that it wouldn't be satisfying even on a downtown balcony, but the house makes it extra special.

11. Well organized supplies hit me square in my happy place. 

Reddit | Regg_Da_Veg

According to the Reddit user who posted the pic, it was their eight-year-old daughter who carefully arranged all the crayons. I love it!

12. This glass didn't make a mess when it broke. Instead, it just laid down for a nap.

Reddit | adagonjinn

Most likely the glass is laminated to make it more shatter-resistant. It probably took a lot of force to break.

13. The amount of satisfaction I feel when looking at this is totally bananas.

Reddit | cookiesrejected

Yes, I went there, but can you blame me? You were making the exact same joke in your head, I'm just brave enough to put it in writing.

14. Now this is a place that'll be super cozy come winter.

Reddit | thereitis1

Just imagine it: reading a thick book by the fire, a cup of hot chocolate in one hand and a dog at your feet. Bliss.

15. I'm pretty ambivalent about how shiny my car is, but this may change my mind.

Reddit | ImaginingDragon

Just look at that reflection! It's flawless! I suddenly see the appeal of not just letting the intermittent rain deal with the dust and bird poop.

16. Plants are cool in the most satisfying ways.

Reddit | The_Salty_Cat

The pattern of droplets along the edge is so nice, but it's not dew. It's guttation, which is basically how plants sweat. See? Cool.

17. Look how pretty this welding job is!

Reddit | Reddit

I have no idea if the actual welding is done well. Pretty doesn't necessarily mean there's structural integrity, but it sure is nice to look at.

18. I don't know if this is the most efficient way of packing clothes hangers, but I kind of don't care.

Reddit | mrsmayhem127

Even if you could fit more in the box or if the effect gets ruined as soon as you try to move it, I appreciate whoever took the time to make this box of clothes hangers so pleasing.

19. Whoever wrapped this gift is a pro.

Reddit | 3ToTheWay

It actually bugs me so much when the patterns don't line up that I've basically stopped using patterned paper. It's solid colors or gift bags for me.

20. Look how smooth this person managed to get a fresh sheet on the bed!

Reddit | TvT_MaGiiCs

Clearly, they don't have pets. I've reached the point where it's a good day when the sheet gets on the bed without "help" from the dogs, wrinkles be darned.

21. Whatever your thoughts are on cheese slices, you have to admit this melting action is satisfying.

Reddit | SpecialOffFan

That's how a cheese burger should be. Somehow, I always end up with the cheese sliding out the back.

22. Sticking to the theme of controversial food, check out this perfect black ice cream cone.

Reddit | LooseCost

The amount of activated charcoal required to get that perfect shade is probably more than I'd want to ingest at one time, but it sure is stunning to look at.

23. I can't stop looking at this scallop.

Reddit | BluudLust

On one hand, I'm totally weirded out to see its teeth and bright blue eyes. On the other hand, the symmetry is really satisfying.

24. And now for your moment of zen.

What's more satisfying than seeing a machine make perfect chain links? An infinite loop of it. It's so meditative to watch over, and over, and over...