24 People Who Lost Things They're Definitely Not Getting Back

The worst thing I've ever lost is my mother's engagement ring. When I moved houses, it just disappeared. Most likely, I put it "somewhere safe" for the move and then promptly forgot where that was, which is always a mistake.

I may eventually find it, but that's not the case for most of these people, whose stuff is either lost or broken for good.

1. I don't want this list to be entirely depressing, so I do have a few stories with happy endings. 

Reddit | Batharga

This wedding party is looking for the rings the Best Man dropped in the grass. They were found at the base of the tree, but only after the ceremony.

2. If your parents bought you your phone, you should be extra careful not to lose it. 

Reddit | heaverdini

After losing her iPhone at a bar, this person's parents at least had a sense of humor about telling her that she wasn't getting a new one.

3. X-Acto knives are the good pens of the art class.

Imgur | MrMuttonChops

Keep yours within view at all times, because they always seem to disappear.

What is it about people thinking that they can just "borrow" art supplies? This is why my good brushes are in a drawer at all times.

4. Pour one out for the eight pounds of Jelly Bellies this guy just lost.

Reddit | greatlover777

Yes, technically you can fit all those jelly beans in one bag, but have you actually looked at those bulk store baggies? They're flimsy. So save yourself the heartache and just double-bag your snacks.

5. It's a bird...it's a plane...it's an odd, horse-shaped balloon!

Reddit | kandeskie

Apparently, this photo was taken at a horse racing event, which explains why a kid would have a helium balloon shaped like a horse. This would have wrecked me as a child.

6. Protip: Don't try to take a selfie while skydiving. 

Reddit | lloyddobbler

Or at the very least, invest in some sort of case with a wrist strap or something. Good news, though, thanks to Find My iPhone, it was recovered in working condition.

7. It usually makes sense to open a can of tuna over your sink.

Reddit | tbrays242424

It'll catch any of the fishy juices that might spill. Just be extra careful if your drain happens to be exactly the same size as the can.

8. Goodbye, glasses. I hope this guy can see the handholds okay without them.

Reddit | YourMomsNext

Sorry, dude, but there is no way those frames are surviving that fall. Think of it as an opportunity to refresh your look and try out some new styles.

9. If you're going to film while a crowd is cheering and waving, hold on to your phone tightly.

Hopefully, someone else didn't get beaned in the head by a flying smartphone.

10. What's lost isn't the second arch on this McDonald's sign.

Imgur | Imgur

What's lost is the job of the person who signed off on it and paid for it to be put up without noticing the mistake in the first place.

11. What you're too lazy to find may become someone else's treasure. 

Reddit | Nagadha

This guy was playing disc golf when his disc accidentally went into a pond. He ended up with 73 discs after his swim.

12. Protip two: Never set your phone down on a power tool.

Reddit | Ben_Deroveur

According to the user who posted the photo, this is the sad result of a "mishap with a bandsaw."

13. Always make sure your rings are well fitted. 

Reddit | ExtraPlus

There are a lot of lost rings out there, but luckily this user's dad found his wedding band in the garden 15 years after losing it.

14. "Found some dentures while ice fishing." —whodisgyal

Reddit | whodisgyal

It must have sucked to be the person who lost their teeth in the lake. Dentures aren't cheap!

That said, they can take solace in the fact that it totally confused a future ice fisherman.

15. Speaking of lost teeth...

Reddit | alecmadman

I'm sure we'd all like to imagine the tooth fairy turns our lost pearly whites into sparkly dust or something. We definitely don't want to come across a whole jar of people's lost teeth in an abandoned dentists' office.

16. Because everyone wants to find a random misplaced rocket by the road.

Reddit | Doomhat

While the comments confirm that it is an M7 Bazooka training rocket and thus not explosive, it's probably best not to pick one of these up and bring it home with you.

17. After the hurricanes, a Florida blood lab appears to have lost something...

Reddit | Naptownfellow

This vial was found while looking for sea-glass on the beach. I really hope it's the only one to go AWOL.

18. When returning your rental car, don't forget to check the trunk!

Reddit | McGrubenstein

Otherwise, you may leave your very impressive firearm in the back for the next person to find. And there's no guarantee they'll try to return it.

19. Here's another one with a happy ending. 

Instagram | @flytpa

Six-year-old Owen lost his Hobbes toy at Tampa International Airport, and while Hobbes waited to be returned, the airport staff took him on an adventure. The staff had all the photos made into a book that they presented to Owen.

20. Sorry, Mr. Danger Noodle, but I don't think you're as enticing as cheese.

Reddit | penny333

Still, the owner of the mousetrap is pretty much guaranteed to not need to worry about rodents anymore...

21. "We found your phone its currently at #1 firehall," said a random post on Nathan Buhler's Facebook page. 

Facebook | Nathan Buhler

He had dropped the phone in a river 10 days before. Not only did it still work, but since it wasn't locked, the firefighters began posting photos on Nathan's timeline to alert him.

22. Are the deep holes made while ice fishing cool? Sure.

Imgur | Imgur

Just don't try to take a photo straight down one. It would have been really funny if the friend that took this pic ended up dropping their phone, too.

23. Sometimes Find My iPhone isn't very encouraging. 

Reddit | IAmAnElephantAMA

This user recently lost their phone and immediately went to check the GPS. The result wasn't very helpful. Sorry, dude, but I doubt you're getting that back.

24. Yes, many women slip their debit cards in their bras for safekeeping. 

Imgur | Imgur

It's not like our clothes come with proper pockets. But usually if we drop our card, our boobs don't get lost with it...

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