
10+ Of The Best And Worst Fan Reactions From ‘Dark Phoenix’

Today we're talking Dark Pheonix folks and... well, you'll see the reactions. Just uh... I just hope that you aren't expecting anything too big.

I really hope you didn't put any money into this flick.

So the numbers for 'Dark Pheonix' are out...


And uh... let's just say they're not what the producers were hoping for.

At least I assume. Unless of course, this was a The Producers type scam, then they'd probably be happy.

This tweet pretty much sums it up.

And boy... that's a whole lot of money to lose on opening weekend. I kind of feel bad for the X-Men Franchise at this point. I mean... when was the last X-Men you really liked?

Besides Logan.

Some people liked it!

Then again, this might be one of the producers of the movie.

And I assume the cast was good, I mean they had some pretty big players as the X-Men.

This person "mostly enjoyed it".


But what's all this talk about the movie being woke?

I haven't heard anything about that, and I'm pretty awake. Heck, I've been awake since like 9:30 today.

You're showing your age, Jake.

Youtube | Donald Glover

Oh, I see, you mean woke as in politically correct, or at least awake to the issues that are plaguing America.

As in you've listened to "This Is America" more than twice. I see.

Apparently James McAvoy had some trouble.

With the chair, no less. I'm no X-Men expert (X-pert?) but I'm pretty sure Charles Xavier isn't supposed to have that much trouble with his chair.

He is controlling it with his mind, after all.

Some people apparently called it out.

Which I can see happening.

Like I said, what was the last good X-Men movie (besides Logan, duh). X-Men: Apocalypse? That one where they went back in time a bunch?

This one I don't really get.


Like the clouds are prettier than the movie?

Do the clouds have a better plot than the movie? A better cast? I dunno, Twitter can be pretty darn weird sometimes.

Some people even ripped on the popcorn.

And what a night, jeez. You have to eat Skinny Pop and watch Dark Pheonix?

That sure is a bummer. But why would you buy Skinny Pop in the first place?

Not all the producers are happy about it.

However, apparently, they had to delete their tweets.

I'm assuming the studio gave them a severe finger shaking when she tweeted that out. Be careful producer, you could lose your career off a tweet.

Now I understand the woke comment.

Twitter | @eagalasinao

And honestly, that sounds like a pretty cool scene. I wonder what the context was...

In fact, which male X-Men are still kicking around? Professor X, Beast and Quicksilver?

There are people who are collecting toys.

Which is pretty cool, I guess. Imagine having the toys for one of the biggest X-Men bombs of all time?

The collectors will be going wild in ten or so years!

People have been sharing old cosplays.


Which I think is great. I'm happy people are staying positive about this whole thing.

With all the negativity surrounding this movie, it's good to see that there are some who can find something nice to share about it.

Turn down your volume for this one.

Apparently, the ending of this movie was pretty good. Huh, not good enough to put butts in seats though!

I'm sorry, I know I just talked about positivity and everything but I couldn't resist that joke.

But there is one burning question...

That's been on the mind of X-Men fans since the comic books started printing.

But seriously, does anyone have an answer to this? Do I need to roll around in radiation?