Unsplash | Sharon McCutcheon

After Calling For LGBTQIA+ People To Be Killed, Alabama Mayor Tries To Deny It

Um, has anyone checked on Alabama lately? Because I think they've lost it.

I usually try not to paint an entire community with the same brush, but between passing that insanely restrictive abortion law, another mandating chemical castration of child sex offenders, and now this, it's hard not to wonder what's going on.

Meet Mark Chambers. He's the mayor of Carbon Hill, Alabama, a town of fewer than 2,000 people.

Carbon Hill, Alabama

According to the town's website, Chambers decided to get into politics because he felt that Carbon Hill "was not going in a positive direction."

Which is fair. Many people go into politics for that very same reason.

Especially down at the municipal level, where it's often a bureaucratic slog with none of the glamor or salary that comes with state or federal office.

But Chambers is now in hot water over comments made on his personal Facebook page.

Unsplash | Thought Catalog

Though he has since deleted the posts and set his profile to private, television station WBRC took screenshots.

Nothing is ever gone on the internet.

It started with a graphic that Chambers shared on his wall.


In big block letters, it said:

"We live in a society where homosexuals lecture us on morals, transvestites (sic) lecture us on human biology, baby killers lecture us on human rights and socialists lecture us on economics."

Dude, the term is transgender. Transvestite is only used for cross-dressing and isn't about gender identity or biology.

In response, a friend of his commented that they thought only revolution could save us.


Two notes:

First, people aren't advocating to give more rights to the "minority" than the "majority" but to give those minorities the same rights.

Second, when you consider all of humanity, cisgendered heterosexual white men are not the "majority." Heck, women alone outnumber them.

However, when it comes to the systematic oppression of those of other genders, races, cultures, sexualities, and faiths, cishet white men are #1!

It's Chambers' reply to that friend's comment that really got him into hot water.


In it, he states that "the only way to change it would be to kill the problem out."

Yes. He's saying that the only way to "fix" a society that is becoming more inclusive to minority groups at the expense of straight white men like him, is to kill the people who aren't like him.

WBRC spoke to him multiple times about the post.

Facebook | WBRC FOX6 News

First he tried to deny it entirely, saying, "I don’t think I posted that. I think that’s somebody else’s post."

When the reporter pointed out that the Facebook page was clearly his and asked if he thought it was a case of identity theft, he said he didn't know. He hung up when offered the chance to speak in person.

But he called back only minutes later, this time admitting to the post, but saying that it was posted publicaly by accident.

He also said that the comment was taken out of context, but also made statements about how "ungrateful" immigrants were taking over the country and that a civil war was coming.

He denied saying anything about killing gays, which prompted the reporter to read his own post back to him.

"That’s in a revolution. That’s right! If it comes to a revolution in this country both sides of these people will be killed out."

Chambers also went on a rant about how his Facebook page is not supposed to be for the public, which is a setting he controls.

Facebook | Daily Mountain Egle

Needless to say, it went private pretty quickly afterwards.

He did eventually post an apology, however since it was on the same profile that he has just made private, few got a chance to see it. Thankfully, the Daily Mountain Eagle newspaper shared it on their page, because screenshots continue to be a thing even after you change privacy settings.

h/t: WBRC