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Owners Of Noah's Ark Attraction File Lawsuit Over Rain Damage

The definition of irony took a real beating in the '90s. Alanis Morissette tried, she really did, and she made the term popular, but much to the consternation of English teachers everywhere, her examples set a whole generation of students back.

Yes, rain on your wedding day is unfortunate, but it's not irony. Finding 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife is definitely Murphy's Law, but not irony. A death row pardon two minutes too late is tragic, but not irony.

This right here is much closer.

In Kentucky, there's a 510-foot long tourist attraction based on the biblical story of Noah's Ark.

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Ark Encounter, as it's called, opened to the public in 2016, and welcomes up to a million visitors each year.

It's a place where the whole family can go and experience all kinds of wholesome, biblical exhibits.

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And ponder mysteries like how dinosaurs might have been included on Noah's Ark despite being killed off 65 million years ago — yes, there are replicas of dinosaurs on the Ark Encounter, including Stegosaurus, which died out about 100 million years ago.

Also, pretty sure the Bible doesn't mention dinosaurs riding along on Noah's Ark, but I'm hazy on that.

But hey, it's a creationist theme park, so if that's what you're into, you'll probably have a grand time at Ark Encounter.

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And if the Google reviews are anything to go by, there's an absolutely heavenly buffet that everybody will enjoy, so that's something.

However, it seems things have gotten just a bit too real at Ark Encounter.

Ark Encounter's owners recently filed a lawsuit over, you guessed it, rain damage.

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For real. As WLWT reported, Crosswater Canyon Inc. and the Ark Encounter filed a federal lawsuit seeking $1 million against multiple defendants that make up their insurance underwriters after heavy rains damaged their property.

The lawsuit alleges the rains mainly damaged an access road.

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"Subsequent to heavy rains, a significant landslide occurred along portions of the slope, which eliminated the structural support for the roadway, caused significant damage to the road surface itself and the incorporated improvements, and rendered portions of the road unsafe and unfit for use," the lawsuit says.

Apparently the owners of the attraction spent $1 million on repairs, but when the applied for insurance to cover the cost, they were denied.

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The lawsuit alleges that the defendants cited faulty craftsmanship as the reason for the damage. When Ark Encounter asked them to reconsider, they decided to cover a small portion of the cost.

And so what the lawsuit mainly comes down to is a contract dispute.

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"By refusing to pay all but a very small proportion of Plaintiffs' covered claim, the Defendants have failed to meet their Policy obligations and failed to handle Plaintiffs' claim properly and in good faith, causing Plaintiffs to incur significant additional loss and expense," the lawsuit says.

Nevertheless, it's good to know that the ark itself is doing well.

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"The ark was built on bedrock and was never in jeopardy," Ark Encounter spokesperson Melany Ethridge told CNN. "We are highly confident of the merits of our case as we seek a fair resolution with the insurance companies."

h/t WLWT

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