Unsplash | Caleb George

These Vintage Ads Prove Fashion Has Come A Long Way

Certain fashions never seem to go out of style and that's a good thing. But there are other articles of clothing that seemed to be popular back in the day that we would now know better never to wear again.

Here's a look back at these questionable styles that give vintage a bad name.

1. When You're In Love With Crochet


OMG, can somebody explain this unbelievable outfit to me, please? And it's bad enough to have just one but a matching set?

2. When You've Got Sex Appeal

I dunno about you but I find the hairy chest keyhole shirt idea not that appealing and those sleeves are just too much.

3. When You Want To Match Your Friends

Imgur | superbasile

This set will come in handy when you're planning a trip for you and your three best friends. You'll never get lost.

4. When You Want To Look Like Brother And Sister


Look, this is exactly what I was looking for honey: matching overalls. Says like no one ever! Facepalm.

5. When You Reach The Top

Imgur | superbasile

It's so nice to have your friends with you when you reach the top and now you just need to learn to yodel.

6. When You Can't Get Enough Of Stripes


Why not share your love of stripes with the rest of your family? Look how many outfits you can get lol.

7. When You're Channeling Little House On The Prairie

Maybe I shouldn't be so harsh, after all, she's only a little girl. But her parents definitely should know better.

8. When You Want To Be A Stud

Imgur | superbasile

I don't think this look would fly today. But apparently, back then, these jeans will turn a dude into a stud.

9. When Yellow Is Your Color


I dunno what's worse about this outfit, the matching yellow sweater or how short this dude's shorts are. What do you think?

10. When You Wanna Be A Street Dancer

Imgur | superbasile

Isn't this what every man dreams of? To be a street dancer? LOL. I don't think so. Such bad ad targeting here.

11. When The Line Forms At The Rear

Imgur | superbasile

What a way to bring attention to your um ... best assets. Pardon the pun. This might be just too literal.

12. When You're Feeling Groovy


I dunno who thought this outfit was actually unisex because it just doesn't look quite the same on the guy as it does on her.

13. When You're Twinning Hard


Doesn't everyone want to have a matching belted sweater vest? I, for one, am so happy this look never took off because I can't even.

I thought '80s fashion was questionable, to say the least, but these vintage looks are making me rethink that statement.

Let's just hope we never see the likes of these again.