Unsplash | Charles ??

Wife Fed Up With Husband Spending Hours On Toilet In 1-Bathroom House

When it comes to using the bathroom, there are certain rules of etiquette that people are usually expected to follow.

For instance, men are encouraged to remember to always put the toilet seat lid back down again after they've finished— common courtesy for the next person who needs to use the bathroom and may not need that seat to be up.

Also, it that toilet roll happens to be empty, it'd be really nice if people would think to replace it.

We could get into the specifics of how the roll should be replaced (Are you an over or under kind of person?) but for now we'll just say it's pretty standard that whoever empties the roll be the one who replaces it.

It should go without saying that time spent in the bathroom should be kept to a minimum.

Unsplash | Curology

Especially if that bathroom happens to be the only one in the entire house. It's not really fair to everyone else if someone takes a seat on that ceramic throne for a while, leaving their family in a pretty awkward position if nature calls.

One woman's husband doesn't seem to have any problems taking his sweet time in the bathroom.

According to Cafe Mom, his wife posted her complaints to Reddit in the subreddit /AITA and explained that her husband has had the same inconsiderate bathroom habits for years.

And it's not like he's spending 15, 20, or 30 minutes on the toilet at a time.

Unsplash | Phil Hearing

"My husband will oftentimes disappear into the bathroom for 45mins, an hour even one time close to 2 hours!" she wrote.

Two hours? Are we sure he didn't fall asleep in there? Who could possibly spend two hours in the bathroom?

The worst part is that this family's home only has the one bathroom.

The couple shares a son who the wife says can usually make do with his father's unreasonably long bathroom stays by going out to the backyard and relieving himself out there.

But it's a bit harder for mom.

"It can be torture for myself or any other women stuck waiting to tinkle."

Unsplash | Curology

In the post, she described an incident where she had to pee so bad that she begged her niece to drive her to her house, only to not be able to get into the home once they arrived.

Then they drove back to the wife's house where she "almost beat the door down" until her husband got the message and gave up the toilet.

Even while she was on maternity leave with their newborn, he would use the bathroom to disappear for hours.

"I remember being on maternity leave, and being so resentful that he would come home and disappear for an hour or so while I waited with our newborn," she wrote, "I was so mad that he could take that time for himself so easily when I couldn't even find 15 minutes to shower!"

This woman must have infinite patience if this has been going on for years.

The worst is when her husband decides to take a shower, too.

Unsplash | Patrick Hendry

"God forbid he pulls the dreaded "poop to shower" combo!" his wife wrote. "You will literally wait for hours! I have finally got him to where he will unlock the door before he jumps in the shower so we can at least get in to relieve ourselves."

Well, what a gentleman.

Here's the weird thing though: sometimes she goes in there after him and it doesn't smell.

For anyone else, this would probably lead to about a million questions (first and foremost being, what is he even doing in there then?) but this wife truly doesn't care.

"I just want him to be more respectful of the fact that other people have needs too!"

She asked Reddit if she's being unreasonable, and the answer was almost a unanimous "no".

"If he's knowingly forcing your son to use the toilet outside, then he's clearly in the wrong here," one user wrote in response.

Another insisted the wife speak up about her feelings towards her husband's bathroom habits and perhaps suggest he see a doctor if it really takes him that long to use the facilities.

Some started speculating about what he could possibly be doing in there for so long, if not going to the bathroom.

Unsplash | Gilles Lambert

Many suggested he was simply finding some peace and quiet and possibly catching up on his favorite phone games, while others got a bit more creative and proposed he might be doing drugs in the privacy of his own bathroom.

Perhaps it'll always be one of those great mysteries of life.

That is, until he finally tells his wife and she tells the internet.