This 'Game Of Thrones' Fan Theory Suggests A Major Plot Twist For Bran

Okay, so we're back in the world of Game Of Thrones theories.

I swear, once Season 8 is done, what are people going to write about? Oh my goodness... what am I going to do?



See see, super scholar and surveyor of studies. Spoilers sprawl through this... okay no more alliteration.

There are spoilers coming up, so avoid this article like the plague if you don't want Season 8 ruined for you.

Now that they're gone.


We can talk "The Long Night".

We had some wicked dragon scenes, some awesome fighting and even some deaths of named characters. Named characters that weren't all that integral, but named nonetheless.

They weren't integral, but their deaths were sad.


Dolorous Edd died saving Sam. Lyanna Mormont died killing a giant, and it was awesome, except for the fact that she died.

Beric Dondarrion died while saving Arya and the Hound. Theon Greyjoy died protecting Bran. Ser Jorah Mormont died protecting Daenerys. A lot of people died protecting others.

Also, the Night King was destroyed by Arya.


Much to the dismay of some men on the internet Arya was able to put an end to the Night King and thusly end evil forever in Westeros. Yay! What a happy ending!

Except, no.


There's still one, huge evil on the horizon: and that's Cersei Lannister, the baddest b-word from Casterly Rock.

She's probably gonna face the gang in episode 4 or 5, so get ready for that.

And who will kill Cersei?


Will it be her very own brother/lover/baby daddy Jamie? Or will it be her other brother/definitely not lover/ definitely not baby daddy Tyrion?

Or heck, just read this article we wrote about how she will die. Trust me, there are some cool theories.

But what if...


There is another? Yes, there could possibly be another surprise villain on the secret horizon and you won't believe who it is. Unless of course, you read the title.

Yeah, it's Bran.


Some people on the internet are saying that Bran might be... secretly evil.

Cue evil, surprise music. And you'll never guess where the theory is coming from... Oh wait, you guessed it first guess?

Of course, it was Reddit.


Because the people who use that site are always trying to call a movie/tv series/plot to a video game before it even happens. Isn't that so annoying (incidentally, my prediction that Arya will win the Iron Throne still stands).

Anyway, the theory was written by one of these brainiacs.

Reddit | ColdBeing

His (or her, it's 2019 women can be Redditors too #ImWithHer. But for the sake of not saying "they" the whole time, I'm just going to call them a "his") name is ColdBeing and his post was entitled: Something just doesn't feel right. Yes, indeed, a lot of this doesn't feel right.

First, he talks about the Night King.


He says: "they hyped up The Night King for seasons upon seasons, years upon years and this is how he goes out?

There's just no way. This plot is so stupid. I think there's more going on then what meets the eye."

Then, he starts asking questions about Bran.


He asks: "Why else was Bran warged for so long? Could it be going back in time to prevent all this bloodshed? Could he have been making a deal with The Night King?"

He then goes on to comment about the potential plan


He says: "When The Night King walked up to Bran, he looked like he accepted his fate. I just feel like The Night King is Bran, The Night King was going to kill Bran to destroy himself. I mean the way The Night King just looked at Bran, it felt like he had to do it when he didn't want to. Arya ruined the plans for Bran."

One tweet commented on the theory.

They think that it's the Night King's touch that turned Bran evil, and maybe he's being possessed by the evil wight?

That the Ice King is going to make Bran a wight at the perfect moment and... well, I dunno. Bran isn't much of a fighter.

Others are merely implying that Bran could be behind it.

This tweet makes the link but doesn't explicitly say it. They ask important questions about the Night King and his motivations and ends on the most important question of all... maybe this theory has some validity.

I dunno, I think he's been evil the whole time.


I think after he got pushed out of the tower, he swore vengeance on the world.

Even his brothers and sisters, who abandoned him in Winterfell, I think he even wants to destroy them. Get ready Westeros, because Bran is the man with the plan.

Before we finish, we should also talk about the Three-Eyed Raven.


For brevity's sake, we'll call it 3ER. So the 3ER is a person who can see past and future events in their dreams, and, you guessed it, Bran has that power. Are Bran and the 3ER the same person? Kind of? Maybe? Like a grade 6 relationship on the rocks, it's complicated.

So after seeing the 3ER in his dreams, Bran gets trained.


The 3ER (who is also a person, like I said, it's complicated) helps Bran with his powers, then is eventually killed off by the Night King. However, Bran escapes with the help of Benjen Stark, who tells him that the Three-Eyed Raven "lives again." As in, Bran is the new 3ER.

So what does this have to do with him being evil?


Well relax reader, I'm getting to that. Jeez, you're so impatient. This is why your mother is always crying into her dish towels, because of all the years of impatience.

Okay, so here this:


The theory, pitched by you guessed it, a Reddit user named AegonStarkgaryen says that Bran and the 3ER will be the heroic villains of the story.

Apparently, Bran isn't Bran anymore.


According to the theory, when the 3ER died, Bran also died. So there's no more normal human inside of him, but instead, a hateful Three-Eyed Raven inhabiting him.

And according to AegonStarkgaryen, the Three-Eyed Raven wants to restore balance to the world...


By destroying all humans. Boom. Mic Drop. Yeah, apparently according to the Reddit user: "the 3ER wants to restore balance to the world by destroying the species he deems responsible for most of the world's horrors - humans".

People are already tweeting about it.

And obviously, they're stoked to see whether or not Bran is going to turn out evil. Well, if they're going to do that, then they better hurry up considering they only have 3 episodes left.

What do you think will happen to Bran?


Do you think he's evil? Or maybe he's just good and Reddit is wrong?

Remember, they are human and don't always get things right! Or, at least as far as I know they're human.