This 'Game Of Thrones' Theory Proves That Jon Snow Wasn’t Screaming At The Dragon

Here we go folks, another dive into the world of Game Of Thrones.

What will we be talking about today? Maybe a fan theory? Let's dive in.

Okay, so there are spoilers ahead.


You know the drill folks.

If you don't want to see spoilers for the third episode of season 8, then snap your laptop over your knee or microwave your phone, cause they're coming, my friend.

And there we go.


Everyone who doesn't want to see spoilers has a broken device, so we're good.

The Battle of Winterfell was wild! Everyone was fighting, some people died who... uh... had some very sad deaths.

Okay, just so we're all caught up:


Dolorous Edd, Lyanna Mormont, Beric Dondarrion, Theon Greyjoy, Ser Jorah Mormont all kicked the bucket.

Defending other people during the battle, slaying giant wights, yadda, yadda, yadda.

But we're not here to talk about that.


We're here to talk some Game Of Thrones fan theories.

You clicked on the article, you're ready to hear all about Jon Snow and his dragon that didn't appear on the Drew Carrey Show because that was Drogon.

Okay, so let's talk The Long Night.


So there's a bunch of deaths and stuff, but Jon Snow is the guy we're here for.

Near the end, Viserion the ice dragon has him cornered, and Jon totally screams at him like the big strong man he is.

Alright, I'll say it.

Well, A lot of people on the internet and I.

Jon Snow was useless during that battle, and in his final moments, he was being useless as well. Just screaming for the sake of being cool.

Or maybe he wasn't?


Well, there's a theory that the scream wasn't just a last desperate attempt to be a hard in the paint mother trucker.

Apparently, he was actually doing something pretty cool.

Let's go back to the end of the episode.


Arya kills the Night King. I said there would be spoilers, right?

Anyway, she totally stabs the heck out of the Night King and Jon might have been allowing her to do that.

Apparently, according to one Redditor, that was his plan all along.


The Redditor, named Applesoapp said:

"Jon screamed at the undead dragon to distract it so Arya can run past and kill the Night King. The undead dragon was protecting the entrance to the Godswood."

He goes on to say:


"Watch it again, you can actually hear him scream ‘GOOOOO – GO – GO.’ 10 seconds later the scene you can see the hair of a White Walker flying up when Arya sprints past the group of White Walkers.

Jon once again was ready to sacrifice himself to kill the Night King."

But, remember, he could just be an idiot.


Let's keep in mind that Reddit isn't always right, as much as we'd like them to be.

Sometimes, a theory is just a theory, just like the theory that the earth is round. That was a joke folks, I don't want to worry you.

Honestly, most people are focusing on his battle skills.

No one is thinking about how the man might be a real strategist, because everyone thinks he was useless during the Battle Of Winterfell. Do I agree? Maybe.

But Reddit and Twitter are different.

Reddit | oldmrdeebs

Some Redditors think that their fellow countryman might have a point. Well, they might agree after a couple of viewings, of course. You can never be too careful. Don't forget that.

Not all Redditors are together though.

Reddit | stickylarue

It seems some are on Twitter's side, as some think he was yelling at the dragon to be really jazzy and bad... butt? Bad donkey? You know what I'm trying to say here, folks.

A lot of people are making fun of the guy.

Look at his surprised face! For a second there, he totally believed he did it! Heck, I'd be surprised too, especially if I knew I had Targaryen blood... oh, that's another spoiler.

And some really hate Jon Snow.

There are those out there who think he's totally lame. That this theory has no validity. And that he should never sit on the Iron Throne. We all know it's going to be Arya, calling it right now.

But could Viserion even be distracted?


Are all the White Walkers mentally connected?

What is the relationship between the Night King and his lil' pal Viserion? Could've Jon Snow even done that?

And if he hadn't done that, what are the repercussions?


Say you do believe the theory, could Arya have gotten past the wights without Jon's help?

How did Jon immediately know Arya was going after the Night King? Is she not fast enough to do it on her own?

What do you think?


Was Jon just being a big tough boy when he stood up to that mean old ice dragon? Or was he trying to distract it and help out his beloved sister?

Obviously, he was being a goof. Calling it right now.