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Parents Have Named Tormund From 'GoT' An Unofficial Breastfeeding Idol

The only thing that is better than watching new episodes of Game of Thrones is seeing all the hilarious memes floating around on the internet.

After one particularly memorable moment from the final season where everyone's favorite wildling, Tormund, gave some insight into his backstory, parents jumped on this chance to make some hilarious memes.

Take a look at why Tormund has now been crowned a breastfeeding advocate by GoT fans and parents alike.

Warning: This post contains mild spoilers.

In the second episode of season eight titled "A Knight Of The Seven Kingdoms", Tormund and the survivors from Eastwatch finally arrive at Winterfell.

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I don't know about you, but I was so excited to see Tormund and Jon reunite. He was more interested in looking for Brienne of Tarth...

As the castle prepares for the upcoming war against the dead, a few gather to drink and have one last hurrah.

Of course, Tormund decides this is the perfect time to recount in vivid detail how he got his name.

For the record, Tormund's full name is Tormund Giantsbane, and according to him, he was given the name after killing a giant at age 10. Then, the giant's wife nursed him for three months.

"That's how I got so strong," he explained to the bewildered faces of Jaime, Brienne, Tyrion and others.

This iconic moment from the episode has spawned a ton of hilarious memes from the online parenting community.

Instagram | @howtobeadad

I am actually dying at this meme of Giantamil. I would totally feed this to my son if it would make him as strong as Tormund.

And then there's... this.

Facebook | Auriel Grace Quinto

I'm not going to lie, I'm not 100% sure what is going on in this photo but I still laughed pretty hard at it.

There's also the classic "Got Milk?"

Giant's milk, that is. Up until this point in my life, I never even considered whether giants breastfed their babies, but I guess I have my answer now.

Many moms have also crowned Tormund the breastfeeding advocate of the year.

Facebook | Crunchy.Mama

I mean, you can't argue with those results. I guess breast really is best, especially if you are a young wildling in the GoT universe.

So now, we all really need Tormund to live.

I know the battle of Winterfell is going to be absolutely brutal and a lot of beloved characters are going to die, but can we spare Tormund? Please?!

Was this a subtle way to try and normalize breastfeeding?

If so, then I applaud the show's writers. Who would have guessed that Game of Thrones would have been the show to shed so much light on breastfeeding?

And not just breastfeeding — extended breastfeeding!

Remember Tormund was 10-years-old when that giant nursed him. In our society, there's still a stigma against nursing past a baby's first year. Extended breastfeeding for the win!

At this point, Tormund might just be the most positive male character on "Game Of Thrones".

He admires strong women, hates traditional gender roles, and is an unoffical breastfeeding advocate. Tormund for the Iron Throne? I wouldn't be unhappy with that conclusion.